Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I love my family's Chirstmas parties. There is always amazing food that can be counted on to be the same every year. The Ballou's have lobster and chowder, the Fonnesbeck's have ham, funeral potatoes, rolls, and 7-layer dip, and the Green's have pizza. It's a beautiful thing. This past Saturday we were attending the enjoyable chaos that is the Green family party. I really love the families that I married into, and this one is no exception. Everyone comes in the late morning and stays until the wee hours. Grandma Green (my mother-in-law's mother) out-does herself every year with gifts, food, gingerbread houses, and games. Last year was hard to beat because we had just gotten back from Hawaii, and although we were still on a high from that trip, Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa is always something everyone in the fam looks forward to. This year was extra fun for us because Brenner was more into his gifts, opening presents, and lending a helping hand to anyone who needed the paper torn off thier gift. He got a really fun toy truck that you can ride on and makes noises (yay.) but of course he was more interested in the other kid's toys. We made it home before midnight with a lot of new swag, and fun was had by all.

Brenner and BFF Ella (he was all about the fire engine she got)

Brenner and other BFF Aunt Jana

Clark and Santa!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Fun, So Cute

Chirstmas is fast approaching and my boys are keeping me busy! The snow has finally come to Logan and since we are home and inside a lot, I try to talk Travis into either taking Brenner out or staying with the baby while I take him out. Yesterday I took him to our neighbor's and he played with their little boy Lucas in the snow, which Brenner thoroughly enjoyed. His snowsuit fits him much better this year than last year, when he looked like the little brother on "A Christmas Story"
Clarke is a month old tomorrow, and I know it's cliche, but the time is going by so quickly. He is changing fast and his double chin gets bigger every day. Brenner is great with him and every once in a while he asks to hold him, so we put Clarke in his arms and Brenner says "Oh cute!" in his high pitched "cute" voice (the one he reserves for kittens and babies) Travis is busy at work in the garage making him an enormous barn for Christmas. I'm trying to use Santa Claus to make Brenner mind, but I say "You better be a good boy so Santa will bring you presents!" and he says "Better be good for goodness sakes!" and then continues with the whole Christmas song. Viva la Christmas! I'm so ready for it to be over so that the stores aren't crazy and I can stop hiding things from Brenner and Travis. I'm horrible with gifts, I just can't keep my mouth shut and I want to know what everyone is getting me too. I could put Travis' gifts in a box with a lid on our bed and he wouldn't peek, while I'm trying to find the keys to the gun cabinet where I know he's locked my gifts. I try every trick, thinking he will give me a hint, but he's so good. I will just have to wait I suppose. Here are some pictures of the boys

Snow Monster!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Clarke Pictures

I was going to post some pictures of Clarke but instead I'm going to direct you to this site:


Last week my cousin Tonya took pictures for me and WOW. I cannot say enough good things about her skills. She is an amazing photographer and such a sweet cousin to do this for me. Take a look at the rest of her stuff, she really has a spectacular eye. If any of you are looking for potraits or weddings, she is your GIRL! She doesn't normally do babies, but she has a referral if that's what you're looking for. Anyway, enjoy!

Oh, we took the babe to his 2 week check and he is doing great. Here are the stats:
wt: 8.5 lbs- 37%
ht: 21.5 inches- 77%
head: 36.5- 35%

So he's gaining weight rapidly and sleeping well too. I don't want to jinx it but he slept from 12:00 to 6:00 lastnight! Yahoo!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Since we had a baby a week earlier, we decided to stay home for the holiday, and that way we didn't have to commit to going to any one grandparent's house. So late Wednesday night Travis and I went grocery shopping for the feast while Aunt Kristen stayed home with the children. (Yeah CHILDREN, plural. Weird.) Thursday we sat around in sweats and watched movies and played games and had a great time and I cooked up a lovely dinner for us. We tried to downsize and bought just a turkey breast and small amounts of everything else, but of course we had a ton of food and filled the fridge with leftovers. One of the things that makes Trav and I a great match is his love and my distaste for leftovers. I would rather throw away food the very night I cook it than stick it in a tupperware and find it a couple weeks later tucked in some dark corner of my fridge. It's not that I don't know it's there, I just don't want to crack the lid and smell the disgusting fumes of the food that was once delicious and palatable. Travis, on the other hand, loves a good tupperware full of slop from the previous nights. Don't get me wrong, my man loves good food. I don't know anyone with a better palate for good quality sushi. Anyway enough about that. I made all the traditional food, and even made stuffing for Travis even though I don't like it. Everyone was happy with the meal and it all went off without a hitch, which pleased me immensely. So here's the proof that I did it:

Brenner's hack

"The Spread"

And this is how Clarke enjoyed the day. (He's a sleepy-head)

Monday, November 24, 2008


The best news of the week is that I am no longer pregnant! AND as an added bonus, I got an adorable, healthy baby boy. So basically it's a win-win. Here's the run-down for those of you who want to know how it went:
Monday morning the Doc said that I had progressed enough to be induced but that there was no room for an induction in labor and delivery until Wednesday. Apparently Logan is full of baby makin' machines! I was bummed, but hopeful that I would go into labor before then. Of course this baby did not want to come by himself, he insisted on being forced out. So Wednesday morning we called labor and delivery and they said come on in. I was started at about 8:00, and by 2:03 P.M. had produced a beautiful baby boy. 20 inches long, 7 lbs, 15.6 oz. The labor was great, and I got a perfect epidural so I was still able to feel my toes and slightly move my legs but not be in pain. We named him Clarke Travis Fonnesbeck and let me tell you, he is such a handsome boy! Of course everyone thinks thier baby is the cutest thing ever and that includes me. He looks less like Brenner than I thought he would but has so many of his older brother's characteristics. He doesn't have much hair, which surprised me because I thought all our kids would have a lot, but his head is so cute and soft! His doctors say all is well and we are thrilled. The hospital stay was short, pleasant, and uneventful, just how I like it. Travis' Mom brought Brenner in the evening and true to form he wore his cowboy boots and cowboy hat. He kept saying "oh cute" and then went stomping down the hall with someone chasing after him. I had great nurses and doctors and I'm happy with everything that happened at the hospital, but I am SO glad to be home. My mom was able to come and help us for a couple days, which I really appreciated. Clarke is a pretty good baby so far and eats like a ravenous little cute-head. Brenner is adjusting well, and only gets sad when I'm nursing or burping the baby and he wants my attention. He comes running into the baby's room and says "Come on Mommy!" and I have to tell him I'll be there in a minute and he gets this sad look on his face that breaks my heart a little bit. Travis has been great to give him special attention and burp or change the baby while I play with the cowboy.
In other life news, my Grandmother died, and I was really sad that I couldn't go to the services, but in the end I think it was better to stay home, and I don't think she minds. Brenner also discovered that if he climbs onto the bottom bunk, then onto his dresser, then he can climb onto the top bunk. Scary. So I figured we would put the ladder on so he doesn't kill himself with the acrobatics.
So all is well with the Fonnesbeck family, and now we number four.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Oh BOB....

Oh let me count the ways! I got the stroller I've been lusting after for quite some time. The BOB Revolution Duallie is one of my new best friends. I had such a hard time finding a double stroller that I liked, and after a lot of searching and deciding, Travis finnally talked me into this one, and I'm so glad he did. I was apprehensive about a wide stroller like this one, but we took it for its first test run at the zoo and it went beautifully. It fit through evey door with ease and Brenner was comfy as can be. So here are some pictures of the zoo AND the amazing BOB!

Trav and B putting off the vibe to the giraffes

Clones in the egg.

Brenner feeding the ravenous goose that nipped his finger and totally freaked him out. I like that the fence is blocking my face and the baby bump.

The truth is that Brenner is actually half me, and not ALL Travis, if you can believe that.
So it was a delightful day at the zoo followed by Halloween and more cowboy and candy fun. No progress on the baby front, which I'm so bummed about. I thought for sure on Monday he would have told me that I was... I don't know.... 9 cm dialated? Ok not really but more than 1! This little boy is stubborn like his Mom I guess. To be continued!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Preview

Today our neighborhood had a little party and the kids got to dress up and decorate cookies, play games etc. Brenner has been waiting for a while now to bust out his cowboy outfit, and today was the day! A girl down the street from us is a photographer and took pictures of the kids for us, but I snapped a few with my own camera that I thought I would post.
Before the party Brenner was taking a nap and woke up, so Travis put him on the couch while he did homework and told him "Just lay there for a little bit" So this is what happened:
He always does this kind of thing for Trav, but NEVER for me. I guess his Dad knows how to work Brenner, and Brenner knows how to work his Mom! He honestly sleeps with his arms up like that all the time, I think it's funny.
No new updates on the baby front. Still Pregnant. However, I went to the Doc today, and I'm 1cm and 50% so I guess that's progress. We will cross our fingers.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Counting Down

So I went to the Doctor today for my last 2-week appointment. Only 4 more weeks! Wahoo. You know, I really don't understand exactly why someone would want to be an OB/GYN. I would think the main reason is to deliver babies and make money, which makes sense to me. However, looking at woman parts and listening to pregnant women whine all day doesn't exactly appeal. Anyway, we listened to the heartbeat and he measured me and then asked if I was feeling ok. I told him of course I had a long list of things to complain about, but nothing he hasn't heard from every pregnant woman in the 9th month of pregnancy, to which he smiled politely. Yadda-yadda-yadda see you in a week. That's that. On the way out the hospital door I thought to myself how funny it was that in March it had not even entered my mind that I might be having a child this year. Surprise! What a wonderful little accident it was though, I am so excited and Travis is just on the edge of his seat to get this baby out. And I also think it's perfect timing for Brenner. He played with a second cousin this weekend and cried his little eyes out when she had to go home, so I'm thinking he's ready for a playmate, even if it takes him a little while to grow up enough to play.
A few weekends ago my family had an annual girl trip to Park City, which is always so fun. This year was to celebrate my cousin Lili's first baby, who is due the same day as my little guy. I got all kinds of great baby swag from Nana and we spent some time with the girls. I took some pictures of Eva, my niece and she is just so cute I have to post a couple. Plus she got the cute new hat. I also took some pictures of Brenner on the trampoline this last week. He has a cute new hat as well. Enjoy!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Jackson and the Rest of the Week

This last week has been quite a long one for us! Last friday, the 26 of Sept we headed north to Warm River and to Jackson Hole to see the elk rut. My family has made this a tradition the last few years, in celebration of my birthday, which was the week before, and my Dad's which is on the 28th. Jackson was AMAZING. Every year I can't get over how fabulous the colors are. Honestly I could care less about the elk, but I think it's fun to go watch them boss their ladies around. The trees were spectacular, it makes me such a tree-hugger after I go. I love the Tetons in September though- fantastic. After a full day of fun in Jackson we headed back to the River to spend the night. Originally, my plan was to go home Monday with my Dad and leave Travis up there to do some work, but I didn't want to leave him up there all by himself and he said he was probably coming home Wednesday. So Brenner and I stayed and then Wednesday turned into Thursday, then Friday, and before I knew it, I had been sleeping on an air mattress for a week. It was actually pretty fun to be up there this time of year, and I didn't really have anything to get home to- except my bed, which I missed dearly. Also, having a bathroom a few feet away instead of a few hundred feet away is priceless. I woke up every morning and had to use some serious control to not pee my pants on the walk to the bathrrom. Despite my occasional fits of hunger and complaint, the trip was fun, and I'm glad Brenner got to spend time in my favorite childhood place.

We also picked up a cowboy hat for Brenner's halloween costume (along with boots, wranglers, a rope, and a pearl button shirt) he would not take it off and slept on the way home with it on his head tilted slightly forward so it wouldn't fall off.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New "Clothes"

So I put this new template up for my blog which I think is really cute, and lots of you have said you like it, so thanks. I just googled 'blogger templates' and browsed forever until I found one. I'm not clever (or patient) enough to create one like so many of you are, but I find a quick copy and paste very satisfying. How do you do that anyway? It's a total mystery to me, although I haven't even really tried. The problem with my blog's 'new clothes' is that it's a little hard to navigate and I can't customize it as much as a regular template (pictures, baby counter, etc) So we'll see how long it lasts, but for now, enjoy!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hives, Harleys, and a Day at the Park

It's been a crazy couple of weeks and it's time for an update. The last time I posted, we had taken Brenner to the Doctor and got him on a sulfa antibiotic. He did great on it for 5 days and then WHAMMO hives. Same story, different medicine. So he was on Benedryl 24 hrs a day until they went away. When I called the Doctor's office to tell them the nurse just said "Oh no, let me talk to the Doctor and call you back." Sounds great right? It gets better! After talking to him she called back and said the reaction to this drug is particularly bad and to watch him closely for sores on his eyelids and diaper area. Wonderful. Of course my major concern was the fact that he is now allergic to penicillin AND sulfa drugs, but the nurse assured me that we still had options for antibiotics, but they were limited, and of course, expensive. Now begins the battle to keep him healthy. One would think this is relatively easy, but Brenner is.. special. Even though I try to keep a pretty clean house, we are not always at home. He is a busy boy, touching everything and getting into everything. I have armed myself with hand sanitizers and I hope this winter goes ok for the immune-challenged 2-and-a-half-year-old and brand new baby. I am optimisitic.
Here are the hives, this is the second day when they were a lot better.
After that was over, we went to Salt Lake to spend some time with my family. My cousin Holly and I took Brenner and her two girls, Mckenzie and Savannah, to the West Jordan Park. I had never been there and I think it's one of the most fun public parks I've ever seen. There were castles and slides and all kinds of fun building-type structures to run around in. The kids had a great time. This is Brenner and Mckenzie in one of the castles:
Friday I had a birthday lunch with my brother and sister-in-law, mom, and step-dad. After lunch we walked out of the restaurant and Brenner saw Craig's Harley sitting in the parking lot. He was like a moth to a flame! So we put him and Eva on it and I had to snap some pictures because I thought it was a good laugh and Brenner loved it. Nicky's hot elbow also made it into the picture.

Today was another baby appointment and we were quick in and out with the usual "Everything looks great! Any questions or problems? No? Ok see ya!" It's kind of funny because Travis and Brenner usually accompany me to these little appointments and Brenner now knows that this guy is going to give him a sucker and a sticker every time. So as soon as Dr. Horsley walks in the door Brenner can hardly contain himself and blurts out "Sucker please! Scooby Doo sticker!" and tah dah! His wish is granted. Thanks Dr. H.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Brenner is now officially sleeping in his "big boy" bed! Last night was his first night in his new room sleeping on his bunk bed, and he did well with it. Being the crazy Mother that I am, I worried all night about him waking up screaming because he didn't know where he was, but he didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning. Wahoo!

We bought a bunk bed that I'm not crazy about, so I wanted to find some really sweet bedding to go on it, and I decided IKEA was the place. Megan and I ventured there on Saturday, and since she had never been, we enjoyed the wonders of swede-land for quite a while. I found some stuff I really liked, and since I'm crazy about orange, I knew Brenner would be as well. I know he cares about the bedding about as much as I care about engine parts, but here's what I came up with:

I love it, he loves it, and I'm sure you are wondering if Travis loves it- he does. After IKEA we went to the Utah State Fair, which is always a fun people watching place. There was some stellar white trash, we paid 25 bucks for some delicious corn dogs, and saw the animals. Just what the fair should be. We also stayed for the rodeo and Brenner cheered on the ropers and bronc riders in true form. "GO GO GO! GET IT! 1-2-3 GOOOOOO" I love the fair.
We also took Brenner to the doctor yesterday for a nasty cough and junk, because I am SO sick of the sickness! It seems like he has always got a cold, and this one came only a week after his last bout, so I said ENOUGH! I am not usually a Mom who takes her kid to the Doctor for things like this but I'm glad I did because the doc said he has a sinus infection that just isn't going away. So we got a sulfer antibiotic and are crossing our fingers that he doesn't break out in hives like he did for the penicillin-based ones. The best part about the Doctor's was that he didn't start crying as soon the Doc walked in the door. There were a few tears shed at the end and that's it- a big contrast from the last cry-fest appointment.
So we are preparing for the baby and although we STILL don't have a name, I feel better now that the rooms are switched around and things are falling into place. My latest appointment was a week ago and everything looks great, so 2 week appointments from here- YIKES! It really snuck up on me. It's been a pretty easy pregnancy, just like with Brenner, so we'll see if this one comes early too. My OB told me to start counting kicks and I wanted to say "I think this baby might be half vampire..." my ribs are really feeling it lately but feeling him move is one of the few things about pregnancy that I enjoy, so I'm grateful for the pain I guess.

No pictures from the fair, sorry. Maybe I'll take some of brenner's new room once I get things more organized. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Everyone Loves a Reunion

A couple weeks ago we had attended a family reunion for Travis's Grandfather's family and his 2 sister's families. So bascially it was a lot of people that I had never met and some that I knew well. Nonetheless it was a good time. We stayed in a big lodge/hotel, which had just enough rooms to accomodate the whole family, and we had the whole place to ourselves. We stayed up late and the kids (32 under the age of 12) went crazy until they were out of steam. I love the family, and I feel very lucky to enjoy the family I married into. Brenner had a great time as well, and by the end of the day, he was totally pooped. The other great thing about staying in the lodge was that our rooms were cleaned every day and there were fresh sheets on the bed. I am a big fan of clean sheets- another gift from my Mother- and I really can't think of a better feeling when you climb into bed than fresh, crisply folded sheets. Activities were beach fun at Pineview, the pool at the lodge, fun in the park with "kids" and lots of good food and even better company. Here are a few pictures.

Brenner and Olivia

Family Photo

P.S. I might also note that my sweet husband bought me a new camera for my birthday/graduation. I have been eyeing the Canon Rebel XSI and he took the plunge and got it for me. What a stud. I don't mean to brag but it is SO awesome, especailly when my point-and-shoot sucked so bad. So I hope from now on the pictures will be getting better and better!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fountains, Ice Cream, and Boats= Brenner's Favorite Days

I downloaded photos from the camera lastnight and forgot about some fun things we did, so I thought I would do a short recap and post the pictures.
Last week Travis had to do some business in Salt Lake and so Brenner and I went to the Gateway to shop and play while we waited for him. Of course I didn't think about it until we got there but quickly realized that Brenner would probably want to run around in the fountain. So our first stop was Old Navy where I got new shorts and t-shirt to change into, and Brenner accidentally stole a teddy bear. I was on the phone while checking out and didn't realize he was still holding the bear, so by the time I got off the phone I was far enough away from the store that I was bugged but went back anyway. When I told the cashier what had happened, she looked the bear over (it had been dropeed a couple times and had no tag) and said "Let's call it $1.99" I quickly agreed and we were off to the fountain. Brenner was apprehensive at first but once he found a buddy, they had a great time running around. I got a couple good pictures and we had a fun afternoon together.

Sunday we made navajo tacos for dinner and Travis taught Brenner how to have "monster hands". I think Brenner's meal was mostly olives.

For family night Monday we made homemade peach ice cream. I tried a new recipe using buttermilk, which I thought was pretty good but of course Travis prefers his Mom's recipe. Brenner doesn't really have a preference one way or another.

Yesterday we went to Twin Lakes for a little afternoon boating. Brenner LOVES riding in the boat and swimming, but thinks the tube is some sort of death object. We really tried to get him to just sit on it and he freaked out every time. Nonetheless, we have a good time just riding, and Travis got in some wicked cuts waterskiing before he slightly injured his foot. He still thinks he doesn't need to see a Doctor, so I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Brenner and Grandma
Enjoying a cookie between skiiers
Travis tearing it up!
My boys swimming

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Small Updates.

I titled this blag small updates when truthfully I have a lot to say. So I'm going to try and cram and smash it all so I don't bore the reader to tears.
First and foremost:
Ok I haven't gotten my diploma in the mail but since I'm not walking or any of that business, I'm done with my last class and considered a college grad. My degree is Exercise Science, and sometimes I really hate telling people that. Certain people say things like "Oh you're the healthy type eh?" as they give me a once-over with their eyes. Hilarious. I just want to add a disclaimer on the end that says "Just because I know how, doesn't mean I do it myself!" Nonetheless, I am very proud of myself, and it's been a long time coming. It still seems like I'll be registering for classes in the Fall, worrying about the prices of my text books.
Thanks Utah State for all the good times.
Travis and I spent the week at home with no school work or jobs to distract from fun. It was amazing. Although we didn't do anything thrilling, we spent a lot of time just hanging out. I made a ton of apricot jam, conserves, and blueberry jam. I know it's weird but I absolutely love canning things and making jam. It kinda makes me feel like the ant from that story about the ant and the grasshopper. I am working to save up for winter and such. Although most of the things I make contain a fair amount of sugar, it's comforting to know exactly what is in the jar I am eating out of, and I find a certain satisfaction seeing all the jars lined up in my cupboards.
We still don't have a name for this man-child inside of me! So far I like Oliver the best, but Travis isn't sold on it. He likes a few different ones that I'm not crazy about, but then he says he's not crazy about them either. Naming Brenner seemed so easy, so this is stressing me out! I am open to suggestions and storied of how to win your husband over to the name of your choice.

I guess that's all for now. I think there are other things, but they will have to wait because Brenner has locked himself in the closet with the lights off and is calling for me. Such is life. Sorry there are no pictures, but I'll be sure to take one with me smiling and doing a thumbs up with my diploma when it arrives. The cheesier the better, right?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Jellystone and Camping

We have had a very busy past couple of weeks so I'm going to try and cram it all into one post. Last weekend, the 18th and 19th we went to Nancy's family Ranch near City of Rocks in Idaho for a family reunion. We had a really good time with family and enjoyed some really great food and fun. We ventured out to City of Rocks on Saturday to find a place to rock climb and ended up helping my brother Eric tow their jeep back to the Ranch. All went well though, Travis and Eric were able to fix it, and Eric and Nicky got home just fine. They have been at dental school in Virginia the last four years so it was especially nice to be able to do fun things with them during the Summer months. Here are a few pictures:

Helping set up the tent
Enjoying a sucker by the stream
Uncle Eric in his "house"

This last weekend, Travis had some business in Island Park and we left Tuesday to spend the rest of the week up at the river. My cousin Holly was there with her 2 girls and Brenner had a great time with them. McKenzie is almost 3, and although her and Brenner loved to be together, they tormented each other constantly. Holly and I were on gaurd at all times trying to keep the peace. Uncle Steve built them a little playhouse and they had fun climbing up and down the ladder to the loft.

It's funny because I have been going there since I was pretty much zero, but we never really went anywhere outside of Ashton and "The River" area. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I actually got to go to Yellowstone and see Old Faithful and the whole deal. So this time we decided to go again, since we heard rumor of a grizzly bear hanging around, and I wanted to be able to tell Brenner that we did visit Old Faithful when he was a little boy. Shocking, he was ornery and slept through most of the drive there so he didn't see the animals we had been telling him about. When we pulled into the parking lot at the Yellowstone Lodge he looked around and wailed "Animals!" Like he knew he had missed them and was really upset. He was quickly soothed with the promise of ice cream, and thoroughly enjoyed a custom built cone of his own.

Brenner and Travis also got the fishing bug and now are both addicts. Travis is now a fly-fisherman, and Brenner has his very own Sponge Bob pole with a bug-looking thing on the end for him to cast and reel in. We had to go buy him his own because Kenz had one and it was a BATTLE. He knows how to share just great, but has a very small amount of patience when it comes to waiting his turn.

Here are some pictures from the trip: