I titled this blag small updates when truthfully I have a lot to say. So I'm going to try and cram and smash it all so I don't bore the reader to tears.
First and foremost:
Ok I haven't gotten my diploma in the mail but since I'm not walking or any of that business, I'm done with my last class and considered a college grad. My degree is Exercise Science, and sometimes I really hate telling people that. Certain people say things like "Oh you're the healthy type eh?" as they give me a once-over with their eyes. Hilarious. I just want to add a disclaimer on the end that says "Just because I know how, doesn't mean I do it myself!" Nonetheless, I am very proud of myself, and it's been a long time coming. It still seems like I'll be registering for classes in the Fall, worrying about the prices of my text books.
Thanks Utah State for all the good times.
Travis and I spent the week at home with no school work or jobs to distract from fun. It was amazing. Although we didn't do anything thrilling, we spent a lot of time just hanging out. I made a ton of apricot jam, conserves, and blueberry jam. I know it's weird but I absolutely love canning things and making jam. It kinda makes me feel like the ant from that story about the ant and the grasshopper. I am working to save up for winter and such. Although most of the things I make contain a fair amount of sugar, it's comforting to know exactly what is in the jar I am eating out of, and I find a certain satisfaction seeing all the jars lined up in my cupboards.
We still don't have a name for this man-child inside of me! So far I like Oliver the best, but Travis isn't sold on it. He likes a few different ones that I'm not crazy about, but then he says he's not crazy about them either. Naming Brenner seemed so easy, so this is stressing me out! I am open to suggestions and storied of how to win your husband over to the name of your choice.
I guess that's all for now. I think there are other things, but they will have to wait because Brenner has locked himself in the closet with the lights off and is calling for me. Such is life. Sorry there are no pictures, but I'll be sure to take one with me smiling and doing a thumbs up with my diploma when it arrives. The cheesier the better, right?