Today our neighborhood had a little party and the kids got to dress up and decorate cookies, play games etc. Brenner has been waiting for a while now to bust out his cowboy outfit, and today was the day! A girl down the street from us is a photographer and took pictures of the kids for us, but I snapped a few with my own camera that I thought I would post.
Before the party Brenner was taking a nap and woke up, so Travis put him on the couch while he did homework and told him "Just lay there for a little bit" So this is what happened:
He always does this kind of thing for Trav, but NEVER for me. I guess his Dad knows how to work Brenner, and Brenner knows how to work his Mom! He honestly sleeps with his arms up like that all the time, I think it's funny.
No new updates on the baby front. Still Pregnant. However, I went to the Doc today, and I'm 1cm and 50% so I guess that's progress. We will cross our fingers.