Monday, November 24, 2008


The best news of the week is that I am no longer pregnant! AND as an added bonus, I got an adorable, healthy baby boy. So basically it's a win-win. Here's the run-down for those of you who want to know how it went:
Monday morning the Doc said that I had progressed enough to be induced but that there was no room for an induction in labor and delivery until Wednesday. Apparently Logan is full of baby makin' machines! I was bummed, but hopeful that I would go into labor before then. Of course this baby did not want to come by himself, he insisted on being forced out. So Wednesday morning we called labor and delivery and they said come on in. I was started at about 8:00, and by 2:03 P.M. had produced a beautiful baby boy. 20 inches long, 7 lbs, 15.6 oz. The labor was great, and I got a perfect epidural so I was still able to feel my toes and slightly move my legs but not be in pain. We named him Clarke Travis Fonnesbeck and let me tell you, he is such a handsome boy! Of course everyone thinks thier baby is the cutest thing ever and that includes me. He looks less like Brenner than I thought he would but has so many of his older brother's characteristics. He doesn't have much hair, which surprised me because I thought all our kids would have a lot, but his head is so cute and soft! His doctors say all is well and we are thrilled. The hospital stay was short, pleasant, and uneventful, just how I like it. Travis' Mom brought Brenner in the evening and true to form he wore his cowboy boots and cowboy hat. He kept saying "oh cute" and then went stomping down the hall with someone chasing after him. I had great nurses and doctors and I'm happy with everything that happened at the hospital, but I am SO glad to be home. My mom was able to come and help us for a couple days, which I really appreciated. Clarke is a pretty good baby so far and eats like a ravenous little cute-head. Brenner is adjusting well, and only gets sad when I'm nursing or burping the baby and he wants my attention. He comes running into the baby's room and says "Come on Mommy!" and I have to tell him I'll be there in a minute and he gets this sad look on his face that breaks my heart a little bit. Travis has been great to give him special attention and burp or change the baby while I play with the cowboy.
In other life news, my Grandmother died, and I was really sad that I couldn't go to the services, but in the end I think it was better to stay home, and I don't think she minds. Brenner also discovered that if he climbs onto the bottom bunk, then onto his dresser, then he can climb onto the top bunk. Scary. So I figured we would put the ladder on so he doesn't kill himself with the acrobatics.
So all is well with the Fonnesbeck family, and now we number four.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Oh BOB....

Oh let me count the ways! I got the stroller I've been lusting after for quite some time. The BOB Revolution Duallie is one of my new best friends. I had such a hard time finding a double stroller that I liked, and after a lot of searching and deciding, Travis finnally talked me into this one, and I'm so glad he did. I was apprehensive about a wide stroller like this one, but we took it for its first test run at the zoo and it went beautifully. It fit through evey door with ease and Brenner was comfy as can be. So here are some pictures of the zoo AND the amazing BOB!

Trav and B putting off the vibe to the giraffes

Clones in the egg.

Brenner feeding the ravenous goose that nipped his finger and totally freaked him out. I like that the fence is blocking my face and the baby bump.

The truth is that Brenner is actually half me, and not ALL Travis, if you can believe that.
So it was a delightful day at the zoo followed by Halloween and more cowboy and candy fun. No progress on the baby front, which I'm so bummed about. I thought for sure on Monday he would have told me that I was... I don't know.... 9 cm dialated? Ok not really but more than 1! This little boy is stubborn like his Mom I guess. To be continued!