No no no, I'm not dead. You know how when you don't blog for a long time you just put it off more because you feel like you need to play catch-up? That's where I've been for the last few months.
So I decided I'm just not going to update extensively.
A lot less work for me, a lot less blahhhhg for you.
I am, however, going to go back to June because remember when I did this post about being a runner poser? Well guess what....
I did the Ragnasty.
(Ragnar, or the Wasatch Back Relay, for those of you who don't do the Ragnasty)
188 miles, 12 people, 29 hours of thrills. That's me, back row, far left, looking absolutely stunning after running 3 legs and not showering and sleeping in the suburban. So sexy.
I did it, I loved it, and I'm doing it again next year.
As for the half-marathon, I'm looking to do one in November. Strangely, I'm having a hard time wanting to run. Weird I know.
After the Ragnasty we had some good times in Idaho Falls and did the big fireworks show:
B decided to shake his booty in the street while we waited for the show to start.
THEN......IN MID-JULY......
We moved to Salt Lake.
Wha? Yes you read that right. We moved back to the land of my birth and said goodbye to Idaho Falls.
THAT FAMOUS PRESTON NIGHT RODEO! (That's really what it's called)
Hand dipped corndogs, fresh lemonade, and fab rodeo.
August took us to St. Geezy and we went to Sand Hollow and had fun with Megs.
We're hoping to squeeze the life out of the remaining warm days of Summer.
Yesterday I stepped outside and took a big sniff.
It was then that I detected it.
Yes folks, the smell of FALL is in the air.
Bring on September, the best month of the year!