Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Funday.

Sunday afternoons for our family usually involve miscellaneous clothing, baking, and the can't-go-anywhere-keep-the-sabbath-day-holy kind of fun.

I made bran muffins: I know what you're thinking, and yes, bran muffins are usually reserved for old people who are trying to stay regular by eating nasty, tasteless, fiber-filled muffins. However, these muffins are sooo good and are sweet and cake-like, but have enough fiber to be on the healthy side (provided you don't drown them in honey-butter, oops.)
The batter stays good for 6 weeks so I keep a big container of it in the fridge and make fresh ones as we eat them.
Hot baked muffins made from scratch when you wake up? Come on.
You wanna the recipe? OK! Here you go:

5 C Flour
1 t. Salt
4 C Fiber One (You know, the long skinny things that look like cat food. It come out to be one of the two packages that comes in the box)
2 C Bran Flakes
2 C Chopped Dates (I know dates are kinda gross but I promise you won't even know they're in there)
2 C Sugar
1 C Butter or Oil
4 Eggs
1 Quart Buttermilk
2 C Boiling Water
5 t. Baking Soda

Combine all the ingredients except the boiling water and soda. Boil the water and add the soda to it all at once (I like to let B do this, it's kinda like a chemistry experiment and it gets him quite excited) Add soda/water to the rest of the ingredients and stir it all up. It makes a lot so use a big bowl. You can make the muffins right away but I think it's best to let the batter sit over night and let the fiber one and bran flakes get a little soggy. Bake at 350 for about 15-20 minutes or until they look done. YUM.
I think my MIL said one muffin is 2 points for weight watchers, so not bad.
Don't eat more than 4 a day or you'll be kinda sad.


Cam Ballou said...

Yummy. I am going to have to try that.

Kari said...

Yum! Thanks for the recipe, it looks great. If you're wrong about the dates though I'm going to be really disappointed.

My mom used to make bran muffins when I was younger and they were de-lish!

RileyandChristinaShaw said...

Your so funny Emily:) I miss my neighbors! Oh, and thanks for the recipe, I'll have to try it out:)

Glitzy Glass said...

Yo Woman! Glad to find your blog. I got a new computer and have not found you till now. Hope your great. So, we have a new game for game night- QUELF. So funny, if you ever end up being around here- come play. Fun, we miss you here...

Dave and Lacey said...

I will have to try those! We also found out we are having a baby girl and I really want to get some of your cute beanies from you! Are you still making them? Let me know where to give you the details and how much you charge and everything! Hope to hear from you soon and hope all is still going well with your cute family!