Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I just ate 4 "fun-size" candy bars in a row. Wrappers are sitting here by the side of my computer and I'm wondering where they went. I can't imagine why I'm not skinny.
Moving on.
This year Halloween was not the relaxed "Guess what you're going to be for Halloween?!" No, instead it was "Mom, I want to be____" (Insert hard to make and complicated costume)
For some insane reason, I felt that a good Mom has to physically make the costume. By 5:00 P.M. Monday I had definitely had enough and the whole "home-made pirate costumes" idea was thrown out. My Mom, in her infinite wisdom said to me, "You know, you're still a great Mom if you go and buy a costume. You don't HAVE to make it by hand..."
Just what I needed to hear. We were off to a Halloween boutique shortly thereafter.
Amidst the slut-o-ween costumes and crap, B found a "Knight in Shining Armor" costume which included a breast-plate, a sword and sheath, a shield, and helmet. Perf. Throw on some grey sweats underneath- done and done. It wasn't until we got to the car that I thought about B taking a sword to preschool that Thursday for the Halloween party. Yikes right? You know him right?
So after some extreme coercion/bribing, he agreed to be a weaponless cowboy for preschool and a knight for trick-or-treating. Phewf.
On to Drama.
When B was 18 months I bought an adorable skunk costume online but it was accidentally dropped at my neighbor's house by the UPS man the day before Halloween, and she brought it over the day after Halloween. Devastation ensued. Nonetheless, I had a skunk costume that barely fit Drama and he was taken care of.
I didn't get any pictures of Drama in his skunk costume or B in his Knight get-up, but here is the cutest cowboy ever:

Happy Halloween, so glad it's over.


Stephanie H. said...

He sure is the cutest cowboy ever. Sooo... I had a bunch of my mom's awesome halloween sugar cookies for you but by the time you got home they were getting stale. So of course we ate them since they weren't 'gift worthy'. Just what I needed. I'll have to make you another batch sometime soon. We can be 'not skinny' together :)

Cathie said...

That is a very cute cowboy! I love to read your posts because you make me laugh - I can totally relate to what you write! (Except for the feelig like I have to homemake the costumes - that never crossed my mind!) The candy bar thing! ha! I thought if I downed all of ours then I wouldn't have them to tempt me the next day!...I wonder why I'm not skinny! :) You are so cute and have darling boys!