Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Monday was Lagoon day for Nucor, where Travis's Dad works, so the whole fam goes. When I say the whole fam I mean all the aunts and uncles and cousins and everything. They take coolers full of fruit snacks and chips and other assorted yummy things, then every year they have the same spot as their "base camp" of sorts. So everyone goes on rides and eats and sits around in the shade and takes in the greatness that is Lagoon. I must admit, after turning about 16 Lagoon just wasn't as fun, but Nucor day is the greatest. A good time had by all. Last year Brenner couldn't go on anything but the merry-go-round, but this year he was able to do a few things:

He really enjoyed the cars and he liked having a buddy, and the only person we could get to go with him was this adorable little girl. Such a ladies man. She's actually younger than him, which I enjoy because she's bigger than him, and that doesn't happen very often. We were having a grand time and then we decided to put him on Puff the Magic Dragon. So his Grandma took him and he buried his head in her side and cried the whole time. Annette and I stood there and laughed (I'm a former Ballou, what can I say) and then after that we tried to put him on the little planes, which I think he normally would have enjoyed, but under the circumstances did not appreciate. I didn't go on too many rides, being with child and all, but I did have a great time with family. Of course there was white trash everywhere and 14-year olds showing everyone that this is TRUE LOVE, but it's Lagoon, so it's to be expected.
You might notice the butterfly bandages and bruises and such all over Brenner's face. That would be an attack from an archaeic bug zapper. We were at the River and Island Park this last weekend and he pulled a giant, old, metal bug zapper down on his face. It was a little traumatic, he gushed blood everywhere and was crying SO hard. Thank goodness nurse Nancy was there with antibacterial wipes and butterfly bandages. I think it will be a small scar, and it's near his hairline, so I think his high-fashion modeling career will be unaffected.
I guess that's it. We lost the charging cord to our camera so I'm taking photos with my iphone while we decide on a new camera. This being said, you'll know why I don't have a good picture of Brenner's face so you can really see the damage. I hope to remedy the problem soon.
Happy trails!


Scott said...

I hope Brenner doesn't learn any driving skills from his dad.

Cathie said...

I am so sorry about Brenners face -that sounds REALLY dramatic. Poor guy. Nucor day sounds great! I want to tag along and be part of your family! I can't get Keith to go to Lagoon - his mom used it as day care his whole growing up from 6a.m. to 6p.m. Monday thru Friday - he's had enough! I think he would be down for sitting in the shade eating chips so I could explore the rides!

Cam Ballou said...

He is so sweet I just want to squeeze him! How was the river? I haven't been in almost 4 years and I am a little pissed about it. It always seems to be something - money, work, home remodels, blah, blah. We were supposed to go up over the 4th but I have to be out of town for work! Suck! I'm really starting to think I shouldn't have named my second child after a place I NEVER GO!

Lagoon looks like fun too! LOVE the white trash!

Rebecca said...

Poor little Guy!! He is so darn stinkin cute! Looks like he had a lot of fun before the dragoon.

The Reimers Family said...

Poor kid! That makes me so excited to take Carson to Lagoon!

Jody said...

Brenner has the most adorable little face - I just want to squeeze him. Lagoon looked like fun - even living so close I think our trip last year the was probably my first in over 10 years!! But it's totally different with the chillens. WAY more fun to watch them have fun. From the pics Brenner's face doesn't look too beat up but that whole experience sounds like it was really intense. Anyway, I love how you write - you crack me up!

Glad I found your blog!! I've been trying to :)