Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday in Photos

Here is Wednesday in photo form, because isn't it more fun this way?

As you can see, Clark has now murdered his 3rd full toilet paper roll, we're eating gagillions of oranges, I am tackling the mountains of laundry, Brenner breaks things and says "I'm so so sorry...", we eat olives for dinner appetizers, and we conclude the night with laying under the Christmas tree. Perfect.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

One is Fun

Made a happy birthday quilt.
Had 3-layer confetti cake.
Opened presents (not so happy for B).
Snuggled, just the four of us.
Happy Birthday Drama!
Love you little man.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fab Weekend

Last weekend was fab. Here's why:
We went to historic downtown, hit up Great Harvest, and had delicious soup and sandwiches.

We did some light window shopping in preparation for Christmas. Shout-out to the Aunts- I need a babysitter here for a weekend or even a day sometime before Christmas so Trav and i can get the kiddies some things...
We made a house for B and we all got inside. (Not at the same time)

We went to church, ate a delicious roast and veggie dinner, and then played with pipe-cleaners.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Driving in Idaho Falls

I forgot that I promised a special post about driving here in IF. Since day 1 of our relationship I have heard my husband bash on "Utah drivers" He says things like:
"Well, I just cut that guy off but it's ok because we're in your car and we have Utah plates."
While I can appreciate that there are a lot of crazy drivers in Utah, and I don't miss the traffic and construction, here in the heart of Idaho, there is a whole different breed of people. I see them on the road every day and most of the time I wish I had my camera handy. Here are a few things I've seen:
  • An old four door car with no doors. Now you might say "Eh, no big deal, sounds fun." Well strapped inside with seatbelts are children. We're talking 10 and under. And the Dad (Bet you can't guess what he looks like) is just driving along like it's no big deal.
  • Vinyl lettering on the back window. Now I know what you're thinking- you see it all the time in Utah, a.k.a. the vinyl lettering capitol of the world. Well this vinyl lettering is huge, and it says something like "In memory of Billy Bob 1960-2006 He was a real pal" Now Travis said I shouldn't mess with death and I might hurt someone's feelings, but for heaven's sake, this has got to stop. I see it all the time. Is this reallt how you want to remember your dead loved ones? Vinyl lettering on the back window of your '83 Camry?To each his own I suppose. I apologize if I've offended.
  • Now my favorite: We are driving to get on the freeway and head south and up ahead I see an old, slightly hickish truck. Normally I wouldn't give it a second glance, but sticking out of the bed of the truck were the legs of numerous sheep. I had to get a picture, and since Travis was driving I calmly urged him to get closer to the truck for a better view. For some reason he was embarrassed that his wife was hanging out the window taking pictures of dead sheep. Nevermind that. Look at this:

Go ahead, click to enlarge. It's for real.
Thanks Idaho Falls, you're always good for some drive-by entertainment.

Healthy Eating

There are a lot of foods that I choke down because of their health benefits. While oatmeal isn't on top of my "eat because you have to" list, it certainly isn't one of my favorite breakfasts. I eat it because it fils me up and I'm not ravenous in an hour. Plus I know it's good for me and yadda yadda yadda.

One morning while I was staring at my bowl of oats, B asked for a taste. I thought about the possibility of him barfing- because after all, it's Brenner, and lastnight I thought he was going to lose it while watching me eat my broccoli. But I was interested in what his response might be and I needed to mop the floor anyway, so I gave him a little bite.

He ate it and asked for more.

The next morning and many many mornings thereafter he has requested oatmeal. It's foreign to me why he would choose this over frosted mini-wheats, eggs, or french toast, but I oblige him with a huge helping of fiber-rich, healthy oatmeal.
And I can sleep peacefully, because I know my kid's digestive tract is regular, and because oatmeal, in the immortal words of Russell "Keeps the heart-attacks away."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fine Weather

It has been quite warm here the last couple of days, so rather than do laundry and clean and all that stuff, we've been playing outside. Quite justifiable because I am hearing this kind of thing a lot lately:
"Oh just wait until you have a winter here..."
Ummm... yeah.


We had a good time at the park.


I'm not usually one of those Moms who has to buy and/or make matching outfits for her children, but I decided it would be easier to just make both the boys indians. Of course, I had the idea and bought the fabric and everything before I realized how difficult it would be to find accessories to go with the costume. There were no indian head-dresses, tomahawks, or necklace items to be found. So I improvised, as I always do, and ended up with this:

Ok, freak, they're adorable right?
Well, putting them in the costumes and getting pictures wasn't so easy. And B totally freaked out while I was painting his face, hence the beautifully straight, even lines. Also, I spent at least 2 hours making that necklace B has around his neck, only to have him discard it later like a dead fish. I'm sure if Clark decides to lunge for it, it will suddenly be B's most prized possession. We also forgot the bow-and-arrow set we bought for the occasion.
We also made some home-made rootbeer and carved some pumpkins.

Shout-out to my Mom, the amazing seamstress who helped me make the costumes.
P.S. I am aware there is a black spot on some of the pictures. It's somewhere inside my camera and I am going to freak if I can't get it out. Any suggestions? I think it's somewhere behind the shutter.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I found B monologuing in my closet in front of the full length mirror.

He was doing his very best cowboy voice and actions.


Drama took a great morning nap!!

The pictures were taken with my phone. You'll have to excuse their fuzzy spontaneity.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wild Things

I did not love this movie. I wanted to, I really really wanted to, but I didn't.
I spent a good portion of the movie covering my eyes for fear I might vomit, because hand-held camera work and I do not mesh.
Whilst sitting with my eyes closed, I was able to appreciate the music, and I will definitely be getting the soundtrack.

Review: Slightly overdone, way too much camera movement, and amazing music.
It's a great book, so I'll keep it that way.
What did you think?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Family Photo Sesh

Here they are, in no particular order. Let me preface this by explaining the process.
We met Travis at Warm River with dinner. B and Drama (Clark) were in play shirts but had their nice jeans on. I was nervous through the dinner for fear B would fall into the water or mud, or barf on himself and the photo session would be ruined. I am usually more prepared with a backup set of clothes but it was a hectic day and we were in a hurry to leave the house.

We finished the meal unscathed, save but a little barf from Drama.
So we found the perfect location and I set up the tripod and a stool for Travis to sit on. He said
"This looks a little silly. Why would there be a stool here in the middle of the forest?"
"Just sit there and smile ok?"

So I set my camera to take 6 rapid fire shots, in hopes that we would have at least one photo with our eyes open and smiles on our faces. I pushed the button and then ran to take my position. Then B thought it was a game and wanted to see the pictures so on the last frame he was usually trying to bolt. We took A LOT.
Here are some of my favorites.

This was right before Brenner jumped on my and almost sent us both to our death on the jagged rocks below.

Why is Drama so happy? Well, youe see, he's pulling his Dad's hair out by the roots as fast as he can.

B's favorite thing to do when I tell him to look at the camera and smile. Same face. Every time.

Ready...... BOLT!

Well I just think he's cute.
And now, the final product......

Afternoon Delight.

Today I thought back to when I was 17 and my Mom let me sleep in and stay out late.
Thanks Mom, you're the best.

So when I awoke to Clark screaming in his crib, for a fleeting moment I wished that I was 17 again, hunkered down in my feather bed, on a Saturday, sleeping the morning away.
Sleepily I threw back the covers and went in to fetch my overly-dramatic child. As soon as he saw me he smiled and stopped crying, and immediately I was thankful for this time in my life.

I love it that my kids find so much comfort in me. It might be a tad selfish but I love it.
Ahh so much to say, so very little time (both boys are asleep)
A few week s ago I was rushing around my house trying to get things together before we headed up to the River for our family photo shoot. I was in a mad whirlwind and Brenner kept asking me where we were going. I must have told him a hundred times before we got into the truck. So I pulled out of the driveway and headed to the freeway, like usual. Brenner was yelling something in the back ground and I was on auto-pilot, just driving. When we had driven for about 10 minutes I finally listened to what B was saying and this was it:

"MOM!! You're going the wrong way! Turn turn turn turn! Udder way! MOOOOOMMM!"
Yes, I had completely gone the wrong way and was, in fact, heading West when I should have been heading North.
It is no secret that I am terrible with directions. I try to leave at least 20 minutes early if I'm going someplace new. Now B is my human GPS, and this is definitely not the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last.

I am holding on the the last snippets of fall, going running outside while it's still nice. When I was preganant with B, my Dad bought him a little camoflauge suit, which unfortunately didn't fit B when it was cold. Heaven smiled down on us when we had another boy who will perpetually recieve hand-me-downs from his brother. Now when we go running, he is all bundled up looking a lot like an Ewok, and off we go.

Stay tuned for a post of the family pictures and an extra special post about driving in Idaho Falls

Here is a photo for your afternoon delight!

He's riding bear back.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sans Pictures and Dishes.

How silly it was to think "What am I going to do all day when I have kids and stay at home?"
I just got home from Target, returning a coat for B that I couldn't stand. Is it to much to ask for a solid coat that's warm and looks good for toddler boys? Must it always be bright, annoying colors or have action super-heroes on it? And does a decent high quality jacket have to break the bank? I am going to be so glad when he is in the "Boys" section instead of toddler stuff.

It snowed here yesterday. It didn't stick, but the fact that it was cold enough to snow is making me sad. This is the cause for the trip to Target to buy boots, snow bibs, and a coat. I figured I might as well.

What happened to me? I used to LOVE the snow, and don't get me wrong, I still love it, but the word love is no longer in caps. It's so much harder when you have kids. Especially when those kids spend a lot of time outside and doing fun amazing things in the stroller. I went running this morning and about froze my nose off. It's only October 1st! Goodbye perfect September days. Hello coats over halloween costumes trick-or-treating in the snow.

Also I came away from Target thinking about how much I need a big kitchen. I mean huge. Because I love dishes ok, and bowls and plates and all things in that category. I like pointless glass objects that I only use once a year or less. There. More money would be helpful too. I saw a set of dishes that were on sale that I wanted so bad. SO bad. But I knew Travis would give me "the look" if I bought them. Definitely not in our budget or necessary whatsoever. Except for my extreme enjoyment, and I'm sure I would find a place to put them. This one is going to take a while to get over.

Ok ok I'll be positive. Even though someone gave my kids a horrible cold, and Idaho Falls is freezing, and I hate bottle feeding my baby, I'll look on the bright side. We got our lawn in Tuesday, I just got back from a fabulous trip to Hawaii and if Clark wasn't bottle feeding I wouldn't have been able to go. And it is technically still Fall. Hello! My favorite.
And I'm wearing my favorite shirt. The one that says "Yes, I am pushing a double stroller and I wipe bums and noses all day, but I am still totally killer awesome."
I think I'll go eat a toaster strudel now, compliments of Shar.

P.S. I would love to post some pictures but for some reason blogger is on the blitz and it's not an option right now. Hopefully soon though, because we have Hawaii and a family photo shoot in the leaves!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Found it!

Found my wallet, it was at the grocery store. When Travis went to pick it up on his way home from work, they said "We would have called or something but there was no contact information."
This is something I had never thought about before, have you? My license still has my parents address and there are no phone numbers anywhere in the pockets and deep dark corners. Now I have a little card that has my name, number, husband's name, number, and other emergency contact info, just on case I get in a horrible car accident and can't speak and my phone is missing too... or if I leave my wallet in the grocery store again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


After a whole week of sitting on the floor of the laundry room, I have finally folded the overflowing basket of whites. No more sneaking through the living room and kitchen after a shower to get underwear, they're folded neat and tidy in their drawers- as well as the rest of the laundry I might add. It's not that I hate the folding so much as I hate the putting away. Oh I long for the days when my children are old enough and I can say "Come get your clothes! I folded them now you put them away." Until then I will have to be content with B putting his socks and underwear away, because when he puts shirts and pants away, they sometimes don't make it...
So, today has been a pretty productive day I would say. The past few nights I have been suffering from a mysterious illness that incapacitates me completely with high fever and chills. After 2 days of this it occurred to me I am having some issues in the chest area from weaning Clark for the trip to Hawaii (3 more days holla meg & nan!) So I called and got an antibiotic to clear things up.
Phewf crisis averted. Check that off the list.

Oh wait not so fast.

When I put the boys in the truck to go get it, to my complete horror I could not find my wallet. Scanning the previous day in my mind, I realized it is either in a grocery cart in St. Anthony, at the garbage dump, or at my cousin Holly's house in Saratoga Springs. Yikes, I know. If I don't have a purse or diaper bag I am always losing my wallet, Travis is used to it by now but I could tell when I called he was especially flustered with me. So since I am going to a tropical island on friday I best be finding it fast. And I have to get a new driver's license before I leave because mine expires on my birthday next week.

Minor details.

So then I vacuumed and cleaned up my house. I pre-made dinner, and played matching games with B. And I watched Clark pull himself up to things, screaming and giving me crusties the whole time.
Align CenterAnd then we took pictures together while B slept.
Don't mind the crusty boogers in his nose, I promise I wiped it after because I hate crusty noses.
So for now I am keeping busy so I don't freak out about my wallet.
Wish me luck!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nap Time Getaway

Occasionally, I get both my little curtain climbers to nap at the same time. Bliss.
So, I'm going to do a quick post and then do... whatever I want until they wake up. Before I had Clark, I would lay with B until he fell asleep, watching his eyelids getting heavier and heavier until they finally touched his bottom lid, sending him off to dreamland. Often I was impatient for this small phenomenon, watching and waiting so I could slip away and do some cleaning or homework or some other nasty task. But lately, after I feed Clark and send him in his dreamland boat, I go to Brenner's room to lay next to him. I have much more patience these days, and my house is messier and there are other things to do, but ahh, to see him sleeping is quite magical. And then when he falls asleep I sneak out and instead of doing something distasteful and dreaded, I do something I feel like doing. Today it's blogging, but other days it might be surfing the net, or painting my toenails, or yes, even cleaning up the house a bit. I think it makes me a better Mom.
Anyway, as if you haven't seen enough pictures of us at the River, I thought I would share some more. And a few other snippets as well.

B's new hat for the year, made by yours truly
Family picture!
It's not often that I let a boy get this sticky and messy, but things happen when you're at Grandma's house....

Monday, August 31, 2009


There has been a lot going on so here's a little smattering of the haps. Not in any particular kind of order. We have spent the last couple of weeks going from here to there and everywhere in between. I think we've slept about 3 nights at our own house this last month, which I think makes it a really expensive storage shed for all of our stuff.
We spent more time at the River, and I got some good shots of B on the swing, and some "brother" pictures too. Nevermind that I have to bribe Brenner to stand and put his arm around Clark.

It's harvest time at Trav's Mom and Dad's house and we have been staying there while Travis helps cut grain and get other things ready. While we've been in Weston B has sported the same uniform just about every day:

Pipe boots, gloves, sword down the back of his shirt. You never know when you might need any or all three.
I love this time of year so much. The air is different and crisp in the morning and the nights are cool and we can sleep with the windows open. I'm excited for September, which is, undoubtedly, the best month out of the whole year. Not only is it my birthday month, but the weather is the best, the fall colors are in full bloom, and the garden food is all ready to harvest. What's not to love. Also, this year my Nancy surprised my sister and I with a trip to Hawaii, so it's pretty much a month of gold.
Clark had some minor surgery this last week on his eye. He has had a blocked tear duct since birth and his Dr. finally decided it's time to do something about it. So we took him to the Cache Valley Specialty Hospital and they sedated him just long enough to stick a blunt object in his tear duct. I was super excited. I wasn't sure what to expect and they brought out a little gown and booties for him, took him away and told us to wait about an hour. About 20 minutes later they plopped ol' C-man down on our laps flailing and screaming, all done. It took quite a while to calm him down and then he slept a good part of the day. We're all thankful that's over with and hope to not repeat it.
Here's a couple bedtime pictures.

This is one of Trav's favorite things to do before the boys go to bed. It gets them nice and hyper right before I want them to go to sleep. I love the shirt Travis is sporting in this picture. I'm sure you all know someone who went to South America, or Central America, or somewhere they play a team sport that is really popular. The missionary always comes back with one of these gorgeous jersey's and they think it's the neatest thing ever. They say things like "This team was number one in the country! I got this thing for 15 pesos!" And we as wives or friends or whatever are supposed to say "WOW! Can you please wear it everywhere we go every single day!?" Anyway I don't need to go any further because I'm sure you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Clark got his first hair cut from his Dad, the boy's personal barber. Why is it that some hairs on a baby's head grow freakishly long and others do not? Clark had a lot of those straggly hairs and a little bit of a mullet so we took care of him.

One more thing which is of major importance that I failed to mention when it happened.
Brenner is fully potty trained.
Read it again if you can't believe your eyes. One day I decided to try real underwear for what seemed like the hundredth time and we haven't looked back. There were accidents but not many, and he has never wet the bed, so I am one happy Momma. I need to get some pictures of him in his little boxer briefs because it is so awesome, so I'll post those later.
That's it.