"Well, I just cut that guy off but it's ok because we're in your car and we have Utah plates."
While I can appreciate that there are a lot of crazy drivers in Utah, and I don't miss the traffic and construction, here in the heart of Idaho, there is a whole different breed of people. I see them on the road every day and most of the time I wish I had my camera handy. Here are a few things I've seen:
- An old four door car with no doors. Now you might say "Eh, no big deal, sounds fun." Well strapped inside with seatbelts are children. We're talking 10 and under. And the Dad (Bet you can't guess what he looks like) is just driving along like it's no big deal.
- Vinyl lettering on the back window. Now I know what you're thinking- you see it all the time in Utah, a.k.a. the vinyl lettering capitol of the world. Well this vinyl lettering is huge, and it says something like "In memory of Billy Bob 1960-2006 He was a real pal" Now Travis said I shouldn't mess with death and I might hurt someone's feelings, but for heaven's sake, this has got to stop. I see it all the time. Is this reallt how you want to remember your dead loved ones? Vinyl lettering on the back window of your '83 Camry?To each his own I suppose. I apologize if I've offended.
- Now my favorite: We are driving to get on the freeway and head south and up ahead I see an old, slightly hickish truck. Normally I wouldn't give it a second glance, but sticking out of the bed of the truck were the legs of numerous sheep. I had to get a picture, and since Travis was driving I calmly urged him to get closer to the truck for a better view. For some reason he was embarrassed that his wife was hanging out the window taking pictures of dead sheep. Nevermind that. Look at this:
Go ahead, click to enlarge. It's for real.
Thanks Idaho Falls, you're always good for some drive-by entertainment.
WOW!! That is impressive :)
What is Trave talking about Utah drivers?? We drive awesome!
wha ha ha!! lol - I am totally laughing out loud :) Are those dead riggamortis sheep? Eau! The vinyl thing is big here in Louisiana too - people have special 'decals' made that honor their loved one's passing and I'm with ya, it's um....different (for lack of a kinder word? lol) Funny that Idaho'ans refer to Utahns as bad drivers!!!
Oh my. That is not good.
And I agree with the vinyl letter tributes on cars. I don't get it. I also hate the stick figures on cars that depict how many children, dogs, and cats people have in their family.
Love your writing Em. Keep it up. Classic.
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