Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blogging is...

...so easy to do, but I slack.
This month, since I only blog once a month these days, here is what happened:
Look at those lips. It's not my fault my kids are so freaking adorable! Oh wait, they were grown inside of me so yes it is my fault.
On November 19th, 2010, my baby turned 2. There was much celebration on our part, much crying on B's part, and much cake eaten throughout the weekend.
We had birthday pancakes the morning of, and built forts in the afternoon. Super.

Later on in the month, it snowed buckets of snow! We were all very excited, then I was horrified. No gloves? Check. No hats? Check. Boots too small for B and too big for Drama? You betcha! We made do, and they played in the snow- what a relief.

Then Thanksgiving! We spent the holiday in Southern Utah with the Ballou's and had heaps of fun. In an attempt to make the children look one way and smile, we took about 1000000 photos and hopefully got a good one. Here is a sample of a typical picture:

"Eva, don't stick your tongue out! Clark, look over here, sit down! Brenner, hold Charlie up a little more! Charlie, look cuter (not possible)!"

So there I was, all tucked in bed by 11:30 on Thursday evening, my body working overtime at digestion, when I got a phonecall: "We're at Walmart, Grandma is here, so rally!" What was I to do? Rally of course. You don't want to miss Grandma Green shopping at midnight right? Hoodie, pajama pants, TOMS, and Cindy-Lou Who hair is the perfect outfit for Walmart midnight black Friday madness. We came, we saw, we conquered. Jana+Sarah+Blake+Tanner+Grandma Green+me+28383747 people+3948239482 shopping carts= fun.

I have much to be thankful for and although I try hard not to be serious on this blog, I want to say that I love my family and extended family so very much. I am grateful that I married in to such an amazing family as well, and I always feel so welcome and loved by them.
Thanks for the laughs Thanksgiving 2010. Hellooooooooo December!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I just ate 4 "fun-size" candy bars in a row. Wrappers are sitting here by the side of my computer and I'm wondering where they went. I can't imagine why I'm not skinny.
Moving on.
This year Halloween was not the relaxed "Guess what you're going to be for Halloween?!" No, instead it was "Mom, I want to be____" (Insert hard to make and complicated costume)
For some insane reason, I felt that a good Mom has to physically make the costume. By 5:00 P.M. Monday I had definitely had enough and the whole "home-made pirate costumes" idea was thrown out. My Mom, in her infinite wisdom said to me, "You know, you're still a great Mom if you go and buy a costume. You don't HAVE to make it by hand..."
Just what I needed to hear. We were off to a Halloween boutique shortly thereafter.
Amidst the slut-o-ween costumes and crap, B found a "Knight in Shining Armor" costume which included a breast-plate, a sword and sheath, a shield, and helmet. Perf. Throw on some grey sweats underneath- done and done. It wasn't until we got to the car that I thought about B taking a sword to preschool that Thursday for the Halloween party. Yikes right? You know him right?
So after some extreme coercion/bribing, he agreed to be a weaponless cowboy for preschool and a knight for trick-or-treating. Phewf.
On to Drama.
When B was 18 months I bought an adorable skunk costume online but it was accidentally dropped at my neighbor's house by the UPS man the day before Halloween, and she brought it over the day after Halloween. Devastation ensued. Nonetheless, I had a skunk costume that barely fit Drama and he was taken care of.
I didn't get any pictures of Drama in his skunk costume or B in his Knight get-up, but here is the cutest cowboy ever:

Happy Halloween, so glad it's over.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Once again I'm behind and a lot has happened so I'll update in pictures because it's probably better for you to see pictures than for me to sit and type a lot of words.

We went to the circus! My mom and her hubby took us to the Ringling Circus and it was a total blast. The show was amazing and B and Drama thought it was top-notch. Of course, Grandma and Papa had to buy them every bazillion dollar snowcone, cotton candy, hot dog, and licorice that came by, culminating with the purchase of this beautiful sword for B. He adores it, I have a love/hate relationship with it.

We decided to ride TRAX to get to the show, which was a great choice and the boys thought that was better than a bowl of jelly beans left on the floor.

Ok I had to put this picture in because it's one of the rare instances that I have both eyes open, the light is good, and I don't look like a huge dork. Who cares what the kid looks like right?

Chuck was born! We traveled to Boise to see the new baby boy of my super-hero sister in law Nicky. I think my brother Eric had something to do with the new baby too. His name is Charles and he's so cute and squeaky and we luuurve him. Nicky is like a birthing goddess, sincerely. She was wearing pre-prego pants and nursing that baby like it was no sweat at all.

We also took the boys which was a little crazay but they had fun with Eva. This picture is so great because it seems like they are all looking at me when in reality, Eric and Nicky's TV is mounted high above the mantle and they are watching a movie.

More haps in September included my first root canal (YIKES, I blame RAGNAR) my birthday, and other outdoor fun in the best month of the whole year.

I'm also going to do a plug to win this Madsen bike because it's so very awesome. Click on the link and check it out.

Madsen Cycles Cargo Bikes

I'm sure I would look just like this girl if I had this bike, and my boys would sit happily strapped in the bucket, smiling with their arms securely folded.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Life's Cliches Coming True

B on his first day of preschool.

It's a little unnerving when the things you always hear people say actually start to happen to you.
Things like "Your kids will learn which buttons to push and then they'll smash the buttons to pieces." People say things like that when you're in your weakest moments at the grocery store and your kids are being savages and you're about to do one of two things: rip your hair out or rip open a bag of M&M's to pacify the beasts.
Tuesday another one of those things happened to me. The inevitable "They grow up so fast! One day you're changing a newborn diaper and the next you're sending them to school!"
It's insanity. Insanity I tell you. The years go by and although B is only 4, I feel like he is changing and growing without my knowledge or consent.
Tuesday was his first day of preschool, and after donning some new school clothes and his brand-new "Buzz n' Woody pack pack" he was off to un-mothered territory. Frightening and happy at the same time for his parents. Absolutely thrilling for him.
As for all those things people say, I'll take them one day at a time.

Monday, July 26, 2010


No no no, I'm not dead. You know how when you don't blog for a long time you just put it off more because you feel like you need to play catch-up? That's where I've been for the last few months.
So I decided I'm just not going to update extensively.
A lot less work for me, a lot less blahhhhg for you.
I am, however, going to go back to June because remember when I did this post about being a runner poser? Well guess what....
I did the Ragnasty.
(Ragnar, or the Wasatch Back Relay, for those of you who don't do the Ragnasty)
188 miles, 12 people, 29 hours of thrills. That's me, back row, far left, looking absolutely stunning after running 3 legs and not showering and sleeping in the suburban. So sexy.
I did it, I loved it, and I'm doing it again next year.
As for the half-marathon, I'm looking to do one in November. Strangely, I'm having a hard time wanting to run. Weird I know.

After the Ragnasty we had some good times in Idaho Falls and did the big fireworks show:

B decided to shake his booty in the street while we waited for the show to start.

THEN......IN MID-JULY......
We moved to Salt Lake.
Wha? Yes you read that right. We moved back to the land of my birth and said goodbye to Idaho Falls.
THAT FAMOUS PRESTON NIGHT RODEO! (That's really what it's called)
Hand dipped corndogs, fresh lemonade, and fab rodeo.

August took us to St. Geezy and we went to Sand Hollow and had fun with Megs.
We're hoping to squeeze the life out of the remaining warm days of Summer.

Yesterday I stepped outside and took a big sniff.
It was then that I detected it.
Yes folks, the smell of FALL is in the air.
Bring on September, the best month of the year!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hello, Goodbye

Well, May came and went without so much as a hello or goodbye and now June is following suit. Things have been busy for us, and since I can't remember the details, and since that would take forever, here are the highlights since the last post:

May began with a two-week long excursion to Salt Lake. I was assigned to be with my teenage brothers while my parents took a trip to Africa. Our mornings were spent like this:
At first, we had a great time; shopping, visiting friends, and the like. Then there was the inevitable sickness. Stuffy nose and the usual. Just when that was letting up, the basement flooded. No big deal, get some fans right? I wish. The drain guys said it was a "soft clog" and that we should call disaster clean-up. When that guy came, the conversation went like this:
Me-"Yeah we sucked up as much as we could and put fan on it since it was Saturday, and I called my parents in Africa and they said to have you come give them an estimate."
Him- "Ok well what you've got here is level 3 damage. So what we're going to need to do is rip out all the carpet, cut out the baseboard and drywall 3 feet up, take out the vanity and linoleum in the bathroom and lift up the HVAC system to have it cleaned."
Me-"Uhhh... ok how many levels are there?"
Him- "Yeah, 3. This is raw sewage, I wouldn't let your kids be down here."
Me- "Holy Sh*%"
So they came and did all that and the company was great and although it was a huge mess, it's all put together now and I was a hero for being there to handle it.
I thought raw sewage in the basement would be the last speed bump of the trip. Wrong. We were scheduled to go to the zoo with some friends and family and on the way, I noticed B scratching his arms. Upon closer inspection I saw a bazillion hives all over, hot and forming sores from the scratching. YIKES! After the zoo, some benedryl, and cortisone cream, I took him to instacare. Bloodwork and steroids, unknown cause for the hives. Beauty.
In the end we had a great time and miss SLC and our peeps there like crazy. Quinn and Russ, I love you like a fat kid loves cake. Thanks for testing my vegan cooking skills.

There was a brief period of normalcy at home, then B's 4th birthday.

Whah? B is 4? Yes, it's true.

Birthdays always make me think of that Bright Eyes song. Happy birthday darling, we love you very very very very very much, do you know that one? I played it for B and we danced and sang and it was music magic.
I made an amazing cake and then destroyed it with blue jello. I salvaged it but it still looked like something crazy out of a Dr. Seuss book. Thanks to everyone who made it, I still have balloons on my ceiling.
A few days later we went to Island Park for the Memorial Day weekend. Fun had by all, especially in the tub.
Into June we have been mostly home. We spent some time in Weston on the farm, had some fun, did some training with my main runnin' woman Annette.

Last weekend I ran the Ragnar Relay, but that was so monumental it deserves it's own post.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Funday.

Sunday afternoons for our family usually involve miscellaneous clothing, baking, and the can't-go-anywhere-keep-the-sabbath-day-holy kind of fun.

I made bran muffins: I know what you're thinking, and yes, bran muffins are usually reserved for old people who are trying to stay regular by eating nasty, tasteless, fiber-filled muffins. However, these muffins are sooo good and are sweet and cake-like, but have enough fiber to be on the healthy side (provided you don't drown them in honey-butter, oops.)
The batter stays good for 6 weeks so I keep a big container of it in the fridge and make fresh ones as we eat them.
Hot baked muffins made from scratch when you wake up? Come on.
You wanna the recipe? OK! Here you go:

5 C Flour
1 t. Salt
4 C Fiber One (You know, the long skinny things that look like cat food. It come out to be one of the two packages that comes in the box)
2 C Bran Flakes
2 C Chopped Dates (I know dates are kinda gross but I promise you won't even know they're in there)
2 C Sugar
1 C Butter or Oil
4 Eggs
1 Quart Buttermilk
2 C Boiling Water
5 t. Baking Soda

Combine all the ingredients except the boiling water and soda. Boil the water and add the soda to it all at once (I like to let B do this, it's kinda like a chemistry experiment and it gets him quite excited) Add soda/water to the rest of the ingredients and stir it all up. It makes a lot so use a big bowl. You can make the muffins right away but I think it's best to let the batter sit over night and let the fiber one and bran flakes get a little soggy. Bake at 350 for about 15-20 minutes or until they look done. YUM.
I think my MIL said one muffin is 2 points for weight watchers, so not bad.
Don't eat more than 4 a day or you'll be kinda sad.

Monday, April 26, 2010

So Let it Be Written!

Can it just be said that you are not a monster if you feed your kids macaroni and cheese once in a while? Where is it written that a kid is going to be obese and die of cancer if he/she eats powdered cheese and noodles?


Sometimes I read things that mothers write and I just want to tell them to get off it. Am I the only one here?

That being said.....

Today we enjoyed some delicious Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and I must say it was delightful, for both the boys and myself. I fix it once in a while and we all love it.
So there.
Doesn't this boy look like a little macaroni and cheese does a body good? I thought so.

On another note, I've been hearing a lot of this for the past week: "MOOOMMM! Wipe my nose please please wipe-a-nose please MOM!!!!!!" Followed by a shrill shriek because snot is running down his face and burning his little raw, red, Hitler-style, nose-wipe mustache.
Tissues litter my house. Snot is everywhere.
Exhibit A:

Know what that is? My couch cushion with snot wiped on it. Gross.

Please don't be jealous of how glamorous my job is.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oatmeal Lovers

Apparently I'm breeding oatmeal lovers.

This morning Clark enjoyed his breakfast oatmeal with raspberries and honey, in his own bowl, with his own spoon. He made a bit of a mess getting the spoon from bowl to mouth, and then drank all the last bits of oatmeal.

I've been subjecting my family to all kinds of food madness lately. Tofu parmigiana, lentil soup with turkey sausage... you know, I like to experiment. The best part? Travis turns his nose up when he finds out what's in it, then they all scarf it down like they haven't eaten in days.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Today I woke up with Wednesday slums. Drama had a hard night, and dragging myself out of bed this morning was torturous in nature.
Going on a run? Yeah right.
I did manage to go on a nice run/walk just to get myself and the boys out of the house before the rain came.
Then home.


I know!

What is better than rich, chocolate cupcakes made from scratch with butter-cream frosting? Not many things.

However, I had no cocoa and I wasn't about to go to the store.


Cake mix and frosting from a tub?

I won't post a picture of myself stuffing cupcakes in my mouth but you can imagine...

The goal now is to not eat ALL of them before Travis gets home.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Boop. Bip.Weekend!

It was a happenin' weekend for the Fonnesbeck family.
To start out with, Travis got a new job! (wooooo! the crowd goes wild)

Friday Trav and the boys headed to his family's farm to do some work. I had signed up for a sewing class with my Mom on Saturday morning so I stayed home.

Alone on a Friday night, I did what any married mother of two would do.

I went to Barnes & Noble and looked at gossip magazines and interesting books and all the little fun things in the store.
I lounged in their cushy chairs and absorbed the pure, unadulterated silence.
I didn't have to say, "Don't touch!" "SHHH!" or hiss "Brenner where are you?!" in the bookstore. Nope, just me, books, and silence. Joy!
Then I headed to Bajio, since Travis never wants to go there, and ordered the shrimp tacos. Yum. If you haven't tried them, do yourself a favor, and don't even think about ordering just one. To top things off, while I was there I was hit-on and asked for my number, which is always a confidence boost for a girl. I politely told him I was married and made him feel like a total idiot- also refreshing.

Saturday I spent the whole day with my Mom doing fun mother-daughter things. We went to the sewing class, which proved to be very informational. We ate out twice, went to a movie, bought some things, and got some amazing ice cream. To say we had a great time is an understatement.

After 9:00 church, we all took a 2 hour nap. Joy! That never happens.
Then we came up with the brilliant idea to longboard down the hills of Lincoln road. Of course I'm a ninny and wanted to see Travis do it first. He geared up and we headed out. Here are the results:
Brenner was practically having a seizure from excitement and I was practically having a seizure from worry. I kept telling him "Ok please don't break your arms, you start your new job tomorrow. Tuck and roll. Tuck and roll!"
He actually kinda crashed at the bottom, but no harm done besides some grass stains. Again, joy.

Afterwards we went home and cut Drama's hair way too short and now he looks like he should be going to basic training.

Somewhere in the mix, I dropped my third child, also known as my unicorn, white-lightning, or, my iphone. (booo! jeers from the crowd)
The glass shattered, but because of sheer awesomeness and commitment to it's fabulous owner, it is still intact and it still works. We've ordered a replacement for the glass that should be here soon, which brings me to the next event:

Our mailbox got stolen.

Travis woke up early to go to work and sent me a text that said "Our mailbox is gone."
I had to see it for myself. I should take a picture but I'm too lazy, so I'll describe. We had a plain, black, metal mailbox on a black metal stand. The mailbox was/is anchored in a cedar container full of sand and rocks. So basically... not that cool or special, just your standard boring mailbox. apparently very enticing to ruffians and the like. So the stand is the kind that has two pieces; the bottom piece is anchored to the ground/bucket, and the top piece holds the actual mailbox. So this is what happened: Someone came in the night, lifted the mailbox off the stand, and took off with it. All the other mailboxes on the street were untouched. I feel slightly harassed, but if I knew the hooligans that did it I wouldn't turn them in to the police or anything. My choice for their redemption would be to replace the mailbox and then mow my lawn all summer. Simple.

Oh and on my child-less Friday night I created a tablecloth genius masterpiece, but that's a post for another day.

I hope your weekend was as fabulous and eventful as mine.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ode to My Late Night Snack

Dear Reese's Puffs,
You look a lot like dog food, and I must admit, when I first saw your brightly colored box, I was revolted. However, I was introduced to your sweet, whole-grain goodness and I will never turn back.

In the morning, I run 4 miles of windy, hill-laden road.

In the afternoon I eat oranges and apples and jump on the trampoline with my boys.

For dinner, I make home-made pizza on the grill, sneaking in veggies and spinach and the like.

In the evening I go to the gym and boss people around, telling them to work out harder, longer, and more effectively.

I do all these things, and then..... after the children are in bed......

I cuddle up to a bowl (or two) of Puffs. Perfect day? Nearly.
Ice cream? No thanks. Candy? Nah.
I'll take my snack with milk, in a bowl, with the largest spoon I can find.

I know you readers are skeptical.
I know.
Try it.
I've already converted a few.....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cowboy Day

Today B had a healthy obsession with cowboy gear.
He found his gun.
He found his holster.
He grabbed his cowboy hat.
He woke up Drama with all his whooping and hollering.

There were tears from the one who was disturbed from a deep slumber.
There was weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth as the older cowboy tried to force a hat on the young one's head.

There was much rejoicing when Mom suggested we go eat cheesers and strawberries for lunch.

Before the exit into the dining area, the cowboy busted one last cap in Mom's face, followed by a time out for pointing guns at people.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Check Them Out

Often times (kind of all the time) I wish I could do my wedding over just so I could have
do my photography. I'm not saying my photographer wasn't wonderful, she was. (And she darn well should have been with her price tag) but Tonya is AMAZING.
Sadly, she moved to New Mexico and I don't see her very much. However, if you have a wedding coming up, senior pictures, or you just want some family photos, give her a buzz, I promise you won't be let down. Go to her website and check out the gallery, you'll be there a while just oogling over her work.
Also, her sister is starting to delve into the amazing art of photography and she is located right in Salt Lake City! So give Brenda a holler as well.

And tell them both that Em sent you.

P.S. I ran 5 miles Saturday at a pretty good clip AND not only did I survive, it was a great run and I'm not sore. WAHOOOO!!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Clarky Story

11:47 a.m.

Ahhh. I can't believe how Mom is letting me drink juice all day for the last two days. What a fool.

What's this? Oh she thought she could hide her phone from me huh? Let's see what this baby can handle.
Don't mind if I do.

Now who should I call..... How about Annette? No... how about Mom's OBGYN. Yeah, good one.

Hm, no answer. I'll just put this back where it was. She'll never know the difference.

Oh, hi Mom.

P.S. Brenner has croup, and we all have colds, and I have a giant cold-sore on my face. Yay.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


(This picture has nothing to do with the post, I just really love my yellow tights)

Today I lost my iphone. I went out to put the boys in the stroller to take a run and somewhere in between setting it on the BOB and running back inside for gloves, it vanished. I do know it's somewhere in the stroller or garage, because I heard the "text message jingle" I have looked and looked but not gone into complete panic mode yet.

Today I am going to work again. I got a little gig as a personal trainer at our local gym. This presents a few problems for me:
1. Personal trainers get more clients if they look really svelte and tanned and toned. Check me off all of those things. I'm working on it.
2. There are a lot of "Idaho-style Guidos" working out at the gym. You know, juice heads that work out in jeans and CANNOT take their eyes of themselves in the mirror while working out. I'm praying none of them ever want a session with me, but if so, we'll work out so they have to face me instead of their veiney-armed selves.
3. I need more workout clothes- not to work out in, but to stand there and boss my clients around. Usually I would jump at the chance, but I have a specific color scheme I am required to wear that is definitely not my fav.

Today I ate Wheat Chex with vanilla soy milk. Try it before you judge. I can't get enough of it.

Today I am going to eat healthier- I promise.

Today I AM going to clean my bathroom, which is long since overdue.

Today I really love an ice cold, sweaty can of Diet Coke. I drink the caffeine free variety because the other makes me jittery and sleepless. I love it on ice and could drink a lot during the course of the day. However, on the rare occasion that I buy a 12-pack, I savor my one can per day. I know, I know, I'm running and training and personal training as well, but hey, at least it's not vodka right?

How about you today?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Da Boyeeez

This morning when Brenner woke up and requested my presence in bed, I wondered if I would remember how these mornings went. So I decided to snap a couple of pictures and blog about my boys.


Loves putting anything on his head. Clothes, books, and yes, even hats.
Loves chewing on NERF darts and walks around with them hanging out of his mouth like a stoagie.
Is a walking fool now.
Loves. Oranges.
Likes brushing his teeth.
Likes to climb up on the kitchen table and chairs and mess with things up there or turn lights on and off (he's doing it right now)
Cannot get off chairs or table by himself so he just sits down and yells until I come to rescue him.
Doesn't talk much but seems to have a lot to say.
Has little or no interest in watching a movie with B.
Has a huge belly and skinny little arms and legs- he's my little toad.
Still takes two naps a day and sleeps relatively well at night.
Has 11 teeth.
Eats almost everything like a savage little vacuum cleaner.
Loves a good snuggle.


Still adores a good book.
Loves NERF guns.
Wakes up and if i'm not in bed, yells for me to come "sweep with me a wittle bit" and freaks out if I can't/won't.
Is becoming long and lean, no longer a toddler bod.
Pees in the toilet, standing up, and hardly ever misses- hey it's a big deal.
Loves his rocket-ship PJ's.
Is a human GPS.
Loves music and memorizes songs really fast.
Is totally obsessed with Flicka and Thunderhead, son of Flicka.
Is a huge breakfast person (he ate a whole bowl of oatmeal, two eggs, and milk this morning)
Becoming picky with other foods and literally gags if I try to make him taste something he doesn't want.
Tells a great bedtime story.
Loves routine, and knows ours well.
Likes to carry around a particular animal. Right now it's a white horse his Dad bought for him that closely resembles Thunderhead.
Loves a good snuggle.

As I watched the Olympics this weekend, I almost cried every time I saw those "Olympic Mom" commercials. You know the ones. It's pretty amazing how our kids can grow up to be anything. Who knows, I might have served oatmeal to an Olympic athlete, a movie star, or a nuclear physicist this morning. Kind of exciting.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Runner Poser

Monday, I started week four of training for this.
Some of you might recognize RAGNAR, because you have put yourself through the same torture as I am going through. Let me explain.

I am not a runner.

I have some speed, which came in handy for high school tennis, or sprinting away from brothers, cousins, and other villains, but distance is not my long suit. This being said, I am trying to become a "runner poser" A.K.A. someone who runs a lot and pretends to like it but really doesn't. I have heard there are people born into this world who actually enjoy running. While this idea is completely foreign to me, I have accepted it as truth.
Exhibit A:

These little fellas from Kenya were born running. They popped out the of the womb and were off, training for a marathon. In fact, no training necessary, they have the goods and just need to register.
Anyway, I am not of Kenyan decent, and although I have some impressive runners in my ancestry, I'm pretty sure none of them ever "loved" to run.

Fact or fiction, some people get a kick out of running.
I run for the same reason I gag down oatmeal on a regular basis. I know it's good for me. This year, my goal is to run RAGNAR as well as a half marathon. I'm not going to pretend to run a full marathon because... well... I just don't care that much.
Through my schooling and other experiences, I'm pretty sure about 15% of the population can handle a marathon, and the rest are just hashing their bodies. It's my personal opinion backed by four years of university studies of the body and exercise- nothing more.

So tomorrow I will condition, and then Friday I will be back on the treadmill, because it is so cold in I.F. that my tears froze on my face yesterday when I attempted an outside jaunt.
Anyone else have an opinion on running?

Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Vintage.

What's the haps with us? I'll tell you.
This week was Travis' birthday.
I'm not going to list 29 reasons why I love him because that's just not my style.
I married him and had babies with him, so isn't it safe to assume I think he's the cheese to my quesadilla?

Travis shares his birthday with his two sisters, whose birthdays are 2 days before. So his mom had Travis on the 10th, 2 years later had Kristen on the 8th, and then 7 years later had Annette on the 8th too. They share. I'm sure it sucked when they were kids, but these days we have "birthday WEEKS" for them, and the phrase "Well, it's my birthday." is common during the whole week, not only the day of.
Kristen and Annette: I love you like a fat kid loves cake. Thanks for running 3 freezing miles with me this weekend.
Ding-dong. Woof. Bear. Whah?

A few days ago we visited one of our favorite vintage shops (a.k.a. the D.I.) and scored two awesome coats for me. Here's one:That's right, soft leather goodness for $12.00! I love when I find D.I. treasures. Eric and Jana are the reigning king and queen of D.I. but I'm slowly gathering.
When you make a purchase at the D.I. you have full right to say "It's vintage" when you are asked about it, right? It's old, previously owned/used and you bought it. Definitely constitutes "vintage" for me.
Then on Wednesday Clark bumped his little noggin for the billionth time. Walking has proved to be hard on the skull. So he smacked into his doorway full-frontal right in the middle of his forehead and then fell down at the bottom of the stairs and got this little number:

There you have it. The haps.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Little Letters

January has been... well... a whirlwind. Today I thought of all the things I could/should post about and the list got a little long. So instead I am going to adopt the style of a favorite fellow blogger and write some little letters.

Dear Anthropologie,
Thanks for being such a fabulous store. You're sort of addicting, wonderfully refreshing, and very expensive. I love you anyway despite that last part. Anyway, thanks for the little things on sale that make my day and now sit gloriously in my windowsill for me to look and and smile while I do dishes:

Dear Idaho Falls,
It's blasted cold and I had to walk through a blizzard in my heels today to get to church. Not my favorite. However, thanks for the river and the ducks. We had a lot of fun until we all started to scream from the cold. It was 14 degrees:

Dear CM,
I do not appreciate you dumping all the baking soda on the floor about 10 minutes before we are scheduled to head out the door. Stay out of that cupboard.

Dear NERF company,
While I love that we have a relatively safe alternative to other guns, I don't really love being shot in the face, head, neck, eyes, or any other part of my body with those little freakin foam darts. They litter my house. Good idea but gee....... it's a love/hate relationship.

Dear Valentines Day,
I love you too. And all the adorable decor that comes with you.

Dear Boise, Eric, Nicky, and Eva,
We had a great time. We love you all. Boise, when I leave, I feel like Idaho Falls is your red-headed step-child.