Monday, April 26, 2010

So Let it Be Written!

Can it just be said that you are not a monster if you feed your kids macaroni and cheese once in a while? Where is it written that a kid is going to be obese and die of cancer if he/she eats powdered cheese and noodles?


Sometimes I read things that mothers write and I just want to tell them to get off it. Am I the only one here?

That being said.....

Today we enjoyed some delicious Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and I must say it was delightful, for both the boys and myself. I fix it once in a while and we all love it.
So there.
Doesn't this boy look like a little macaroni and cheese does a body good? I thought so.

On another note, I've been hearing a lot of this for the past week: "MOOOMMM! Wipe my nose please please wipe-a-nose please MOM!!!!!!" Followed by a shrill shriek because snot is running down his face and burning his little raw, red, Hitler-style, nose-wipe mustache.
Tissues litter my house. Snot is everywhere.
Exhibit A:

Know what that is? My couch cushion with snot wiped on it. Gross.

Please don't be jealous of how glamorous my job is.


Stephanie H. said...

Of course! Everybody (adults included) needs a good dose of Mac and cheese and red kool-aid once in while. CLASSIC.

Cam Ballou said...

LOVE the Yellow Death!! Your job may not be glamourous but you do it so well!!

ScottNLili said... didnt know Kraft causes cancer, obesity, blurry vision, epilepsy, toe jam, blisters... etc etc? some mom you are :)
we enjoy some cheesy goodness once in a while as well..but i'll do you one better. i get kraft delux with the liquid cheese..mmm. top that!

Rebecca said...

I even enjoy a bowl of Mac and cheese every now and then. If you are a horrible Morther then so and I.

Cathie said...

Hey, I'm impressed it is just once in awhile. My goal is to NOT make it every day! (that's honest!) I love the farmer tan on your little cowboy!