Monday, February 2, 2009

Wishing I Was Steezin

Yesterday was Clark's blessing day and I am happy to say it went off without a hitch. When our family has a party we do it big and especially with the food. Thanks to everyone who helped or brought something, it was all fab.
Here's Clark in his fuzzy-headed, double-chin glory:

Also, last week (maybe 2 weeks ago, I don't recall) we scored a bike for Brenner at the D.I. for 8 bucks! Wahooo! However, it didn't come with training wheels and we needed to buy him a helmet. So, after a quick trip to walmart and a quite a few bucks later, he was set. Travis worked with him in the driveway for a while but in the end he concluded that Brenner was more content to just sit and not pedal. Better luck next week right? Anyway he looks like a little cute-head on the bike so I snapped some pictures:

And pardon me, but damn the economic crisis. I am so sick of it and I want to spend some serious money on non-essentials such as:

Is that too much to ask? Apparently it's more important to pay the freakin gas bill.
On to bigger and better things. Today I came across a Warren Miller movie clip and about broke down because I haven't skied this season. WAH. I have always wanted to be a crazy, hard core, world travelin, trick huckin skier, alas, I have children and more important things to do. But I wouldn't mind doing this

with this guy:

Oh Johnny Moseley, I would just have to tell you that Travis is my soul-mate and that heli-skiing, although totally amazing, doesn't fit into my budget right now.
Insert long drawn-out sigh here.


Cam Ballou said...

Yeah, I hear ya about the blows! Glad the blessing went well, he is so cute!

Brettjeepski said...

Emily... hello! you have a friend that flies helicopters! you should hit him up to take you heli skiing!!!

It was great to see you guys. You guys have an awesome cute family!

The Reimers Family said...

You are so funny. Blessing days are always big days, I'm glad it went well for yall.

holly said...

I am with you 100%! These economic times suck rocks and I can't wait for better times! Give Clark loves from me! Kenz is still figuring out the bike too... helmets are a must!

Unknown said...

Give Brenner some time! It took hailey over a year to master the art of peddaling, although we think it took her that long because the pedals are only like two inches away from the bike! Even Ashlynn, who knows how to pedal, had a hard time! He'll figure it out!

ScottNLili said...

He is a big boy! Tom said he's a grunter too. My little wee weights a whopping 9 lbs. She might be 10, but her's in tiny. We need to get together and have a play date ok!

Dave and Lacey said...

Thats great the blessing went well! Brenner looks so cute on his new bike!

Glitzy Glass said...

your crazy, we need to chat. . . I just got turbo jam--great for snowy days like today!