Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Family Photo Sesh

Here they are, in no particular order. Let me preface this by explaining the process.
We met Travis at Warm River with dinner. B and Drama (Clark) were in play shirts but had their nice jeans on. I was nervous through the dinner for fear B would fall into the water or mud, or barf on himself and the photo session would be ruined. I am usually more prepared with a backup set of clothes but it was a hectic day and we were in a hurry to leave the house.

We finished the meal unscathed, save but a little barf from Drama.
So we found the perfect location and I set up the tripod and a stool for Travis to sit on. He said
"This looks a little silly. Why would there be a stool here in the middle of the forest?"
"Just sit there and smile ok?"

So I set my camera to take 6 rapid fire shots, in hopes that we would have at least one photo with our eyes open and smiles on our faces. I pushed the button and then ran to take my position. Then B thought it was a game and wanted to see the pictures so on the last frame he was usually trying to bolt. We took A LOT.
Here are some of my favorites.

This was right before Brenner jumped on my and almost sent us both to our death on the jagged rocks below.

Why is Drama so happy? Well, youe see, he's pulling his Dad's hair out by the roots as fast as he can.

B's favorite thing to do when I tell him to look at the camera and smile. Same face. Every time.

Ready...... BOLT!

Well I just think he's cute.
And now, the final product......


Stephanie H. said...

Wow! I never would have guessed you took those yourself! The last one looks amazing and I love the ones of Brenner.

Chelsie said...

You guys are the cutest little family ever!

Dave and Lacey said...

It's been fun to read about what you guys have been up to. It's hard to get good pictures sometimes when using the timer especially with kids! It paid off, you got some good ones! Your hair looks really cute. :)

Cathie said...

Awwhh, I am so glad you got a good one! Great family! For my family I now have the attitude that as long as we are in it - it is good enough! :)

ScottNLili said...

I love reading about your adventures, especially how B tells you where to go and how to get there!!!
Love you miss!

The Forrest Family said...

Your pics turned out so good. Brenner looks like such a cute little man. Your family picture turned out so good especially for you doing by yourself.

Glitzy Glass Stars said...

Cute Girl!! visit my blog, I have a thing you can get a nursing cover for free--you pay shipping, and blaw. Well dang I am sad I missed you. Please stop by and or tell me when you come again. I miss you, you you. Come up for game night. Jason is so in and out, hey, you should sleep over. Have a good day!

Nicole said...

just been lurking your blog and laughing my head off once again. I peeked at these photos too and they are great! I can't believe the product you got after just setting up your camera. I hope to see them on the walls of you house! Had fun with you this weekend...