Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ode to My Late Night Snack

Dear Reese's Puffs,
You look a lot like dog food, and I must admit, when I first saw your brightly colored box, I was revolted. However, I was introduced to your sweet, whole-grain goodness and I will never turn back.

In the morning, I run 4 miles of windy, hill-laden road.

In the afternoon I eat oranges and apples and jump on the trampoline with my boys.

For dinner, I make home-made pizza on the grill, sneaking in veggies and spinach and the like.

In the evening I go to the gym and boss people around, telling them to work out harder, longer, and more effectively.

I do all these things, and then..... after the children are in bed......

I cuddle up to a bowl (or two) of Puffs. Perfect day? Nearly.
Ice cream? No thanks. Candy? Nah.
I'll take my snack with milk, in a bowl, with the largest spoon I can find.

I know you readers are skeptical.
I know.
Try it.
I've already converted a few.....


ScottNLili said...

Ditto to all. However. I enjoy some trix myself. Whole grains? No. SUGAR? Yes Please.

Stephanie H. said...

Mine used to be peanut butter cookie crunch but they stopped making it :(

Nicole said...

I'm a believer.