Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kung Fu and a Fever

Yesterday was quite an eventful day for our little family! I went to school in the morning and back again in the afternoon, just like usual. When I got home we decided it was the perfect rainy day for a movie! So we took Brenner and headed to the theater for Kung Fu Panda. We got some popcorn and took our seats and Brenner was glued to the screen for the first fifteen minutes with a steady stream of popcorn from his Dad. The movie was great and there were tons of little kids in the theater, so I didn't feel bad when Brenner was yelling "Panda!" or "hahahah FUNNY!" Which he did a lot. So after the movie we headed home and the weather had cleared so we decided to head up the canyon for a hike. We wanted to get a little bit of a workout so we decided to try Brenner in the backpack. We had only tried it once before and he wasn't crazy about it, so we hadn't used it in a while. This time he was excited and we put a hat and jacket on him and off we went. It was beautiful, as Logan Canyon always is, and the weather was cool and perfect. We went a couple miles in and back and had a great walk. We took turns carrying the backpack and I decided it's a great pregnancy workout for me. The best part is when you take it off you feel so light, it's like instantly losing about 35 lbs! Here are a couple shots from the day:

We were almost to the car and Brenner started whining and crying a little for no apparent reason so we hustled down so we could take him out of the backpack. When I touched his head I realized he was burning up so we put him in his carseat and offered him juice and a granola bar on the way down the canyon, which he didn't even care about. If any of you know Brenner you know he's never one to deny food, so obviously I was a little worried. At home he didn't want to eat and I gave him some Tylenol and tried to comfort him. Travis' little brother Jeff was sick earlier this week with the same thing and the Doc told him it was just a virus. So now we're just trying to keep his fever low and make him drink. He's not quite himself but I think it should pass quickly. In the mean time we can't go camping tonight as we had planned so I'm bummed about that, but I'd rather had my boy feeling better.


The Reimers Family said...

That's quite the baby carrying contraption! I hope Brenner feels better, poor guy!

ashley said...

I get jealous of all your Logan Canyon adventures but I am moving back to SLC this weekend so we have to play!! Deal?

Cam Ballou said...

I hope he starts feeling better. I didn't know you were still in school. Are you going to Utah State? You go girl! That was the hardest time of my life starting a family and trying to get Ben and myself through school. I don't miss those days at all!

Dave and Lacey said...

What a fun day! Thats too bad it had to end with Brenner getting sick. I hope you get to go camping soon! :)

Cathie said...

Thank goodness Brenner seemed healthy yesturday, and you can get your camping trip in this next weekend. I am so glad you made the trip down last night; it was fun to visit. I am LOVING my flowers. Thank you. Thank you.

Cathie said...

I have to reply to your comments...
First,that is so crazy that you are hard on yourself about the bbq picture because everytime I have looked at it I have thought'Emily is gorgeous!...Travis did so good.'
Unfortunately Sarah didn't have her baby. She did e-mail me the next morning and said that she was in false labor all night. That doesn't sound too fun! I think I will be better in October though so maybe I can help cause the real thing for you!!

Nicole said...

Em! Your blog is adorable. Our friends in Boise help us set one up, only I used one of the boring templates given on the website. How in the world do you get a cute template like yours? I can't seem to figure it out. Anyway, here is our blog address:

Help Me!
