Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mild Obsession

This is what Brenner had for lunch:
Organic peanut butter and home-made jelly sandwich on home-made whole wheat bread.

This is what I had:
Yes that is the Carl's Junior Kentucky Bourbon Six Dollar Burger, A.K.A. my current obsession. It's coming in dangerously close to my current favorite: a fresh seaweed salad from a sushi joint.

I was running errands with the boys this morning, minding my own business when BAM! The craving came from no where and I found myself pulling up to the CJ's drive-through. I'm not even really a burger person but these guys are pretty darn tasty. I am tempted to look up the nutritional information for the Bourbon, but I think it's best left alone. I am aware that it's probably double what my caloric intake should be, but to my credit, I don't get the combo and I enjoy water on ice in the privacy of my own home. I know it's cruel for me to not at least get Brenner some of those disgusting processed chicken nuggets shaped like stars, but believe me, he has his share of kid's meals. So for now, I'll eat up the deliciously unhealthy stuff and make sure my kid is eating healthy.
Thanks for the calories CJ's, see you soon.
P.S. I'm not an organic health nut with my kids, the organic peanut butter was on sale. However, I do think that if you want to eat only organic- go for it, someone has to.


Brenda Fisher said...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only mom that does that! It just shows how dedicated you are to feeding your kids healthy!

The Reimers Family said...

Mmmmmmm. What's better than a big fat greasy burger? Def. not pb&J:)

Glitzy Glass said...

Hi, no progress on box . . I got to get my plants in the ground then, I am going to work on that. It is such a good idea--I am really going to. Are you here this week?
You know how to eat good food!

Kari said...

You're better than me, I'd get the fries. Plus the fry sauce.

Cathie said...

That is funny! Just today I told my kids they had had enough candy - yet I was sneaking some all day long. Hmmm...I guess you can do that when your the adult! The burger looks yummy!