Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sans Pictures and Dishes.

How silly it was to think "What am I going to do all day when I have kids and stay at home?"
I just got home from Target, returning a coat for B that I couldn't stand. Is it to much to ask for a solid coat that's warm and looks good for toddler boys? Must it always be bright, annoying colors or have action super-heroes on it? And does a decent high quality jacket have to break the bank? I am going to be so glad when he is in the "Boys" section instead of toddler stuff.

It snowed here yesterday. It didn't stick, but the fact that it was cold enough to snow is making me sad. This is the cause for the trip to Target to buy boots, snow bibs, and a coat. I figured I might as well.

What happened to me? I used to LOVE the snow, and don't get me wrong, I still love it, but the word love is no longer in caps. It's so much harder when you have kids. Especially when those kids spend a lot of time outside and doing fun amazing things in the stroller. I went running this morning and about froze my nose off. It's only October 1st! Goodbye perfect September days. Hello coats over halloween costumes trick-or-treating in the snow.

Also I came away from Target thinking about how much I need a big kitchen. I mean huge. Because I love dishes ok, and bowls and plates and all things in that category. I like pointless glass objects that I only use once a year or less. There. More money would be helpful too. I saw a set of dishes that were on sale that I wanted so bad. SO bad. But I knew Travis would give me "the look" if I bought them. Definitely not in our budget or necessary whatsoever. Except for my extreme enjoyment, and I'm sure I would find a place to put them. This one is going to take a while to get over.

Ok ok I'll be positive. Even though someone gave my kids a horrible cold, and Idaho Falls is freezing, and I hate bottle feeding my baby, I'll look on the bright side. We got our lawn in Tuesday, I just got back from a fabulous trip to Hawaii and if Clark wasn't bottle feeding I wouldn't have been able to go. And it is technically still Fall. Hello! My favorite.
And I'm wearing my favorite shirt. The one that says "Yes, I am pushing a double stroller and I wipe bums and noses all day, but I am still totally killer awesome."
I think I'll go eat a toaster strudel now, compliments of Shar.

P.S. I would love to post some pictures but for some reason blogger is on the blitz and it's not an option right now. Hopefully soon though, because we have Hawaii and a family photo shoot in the leaves!


Dave and Lacey said...

Sounds like a great shirt! :) That is awesome you went to Hawaii! That sounds like a lot of fun! Don't worry it snowed here too. Hopefully fall will stick around a little longer. I hope to see pictures soon!

Cam Ballou said...

I'm glad you had fun in Hawaii! I totally need a shirt like that (actually, it's probably Ben that needs it, but still...)

Stephanie H. said...

I agree. I am so not ready for cold weather. I feel like I didn't even get a summer! I also would like a BIG kitchen, I've been cooking and baking so much more lately and this little apartment just isn't cutting it! Can't wait for Hawaii details!

K'Lyn said...

I have never heard of that shirt and totally need one of those myself. I think I might need a few because I would wear it everyday and my hubby might not like to cuddle if I didn't wash it now and then. L.O.V.E IT! Oh and I totally agree on the ridiculous coats/shirts/shoes/backpacks thing (goes for girls too for me anyway).

Kari said...

Yes, add pics please! I want to see your cute family and the awesome Hawaii shots.

The Forrest Family said...

Emily! So you have to look at my blog if you haven't yet. Sky and Lucas still run to your old house in hopes of finding that cute boy of yours. I miss him every time we go to the park and Sky begs me to push her on the swing B always did such a good job of that. You need to come visit soon. Sky really wants to see her boyfriend.

The Forrest Family said...

So I asked Sky what she wanted to name her baby brother today and totally out of the blue she said I think we should name him baby Brenner. We haven't seen you guys for so long and we hadn't even been talking about Brenner when she said that. I just couldn't believe it.Anyways we want to see you guys.

Unknown said...

Oh! I can't wait to see your new family photos. I bet the little ones are getting so big. Anthony wants me to hae you ask Travis if he ever got his yellow hammer? Not a big deal though, he can always go get another one. Hope you guys are still loving your new surroundings. We'll be thinking of you when we only have 10 inches of snow instead of 10 feet!