Monday, I started week four of training for this.
Some of you might recognize RAGNAR, because you have put yourself through the same torture as I am going through. Let me explain.
I am not a runner.
I have some speed, which came in handy for high school tennis, or sprinting away from brothers, cousins, and other villains, but distance is not my long suit. This being said, I am trying to become a "runner poser" A.K.A. someone who runs a lot and pretends to like it but really doesn't. I have heard there are people born into this world who actually enjoy running. While this idea is completely foreign to me, I have accepted it as truth.
Exhibit A:

These little fellas from Kenya were born running. They popped out the of the womb and were off, training for a marathon. In fact, no training necessary, they have the goods and just need to register.
Anyway, I am not of Kenyan decent, and although I have some impressive runners in my ancestry, I'm pretty sure none of them ever "loved" to run.
Fact or fiction, some people get a kick out of running.
I run for the same reason I gag down oatmeal on a regular basis. I know it's good for me. This year, my goal is to run RAGNAR as well as a half marathon. I'm not going to pretend to run a full marathon because... well... I just don't care that much.
Through my schooling and other experiences, I'm pretty sure about 15% of the population can handle a marathon, and the rest are just hashing their bodies. It's my personal opinion backed by four years of university studies of the body and exercise- nothing more.
So tomorrow I will condition, and then Friday I will be back on the treadmill, because it is so cold in I.F. that my tears froze on my face yesterday when I attempted an outside jaunt.
Anyone else have an opinion on running?
Last summer I got to the point where I could run 3 miles and enjoyed it, even without an ipod, but I think anything more than that would ruin it for me. 5ks are fun, I wouldn't mind training for a 10k just to say that I did it, but that is my extent. I wish you the best of luck with your training!
Shut the front door! MY goal for this year is also to run a half marathon! Which may shock you because I don't think in our very many years of friendship you have ever known me to run. (And I never have unless absolutely necessary). I started a 20 week training program (for SUPER beginners like me) and I am on ahead of schedule so far. I have always hated running but I am ACTUALLY starting to enjoy it. (surprising to me as much as anyone) My ipod with a crazy energetic running mix is the thing that gets me through.
Sweet. Move here and we can be running buddies!
P.S. I love oatmeal and I literally eat it every morning. It's all about the maple and brown sugar flavoring :)
That sounds awesome! Tons of sister did one of those last year. My company is sponsoring a team this year but I'm too wimpy to do it!
Good luck!
That relay sounds like fun! Granted, not fun enough for me to get off my lazy A and do something about it, but fun for those who are crazy enough to run distances.
I think it's awesome that you're running. I admire people who do. I wish I wanted to or even thought I could, but I'm so not there. I would like to do a 5 K sometime though, that seems pretty do-able after a while.
I agree 100%. I actually do enjoy running only under these conditions though: It has to be 50-70 degrees out, I need my iPod with upbeat tunes, pretty views, good shoes, and a supportive bra. Then I like it. But a marathon is not in the agenda.
As you know, my husband just happens to be one of those crazies that enjoys running. I, on the other hand, do not. I run for the same reasons you do, because I know it is good for me. I truly wish I could love it, but I am not sure that will ever happen. But I will have to say that it is much more enjoyable once you are in shape. I look forward to be ing able to run again in a few months.
I wish we lived closer, I'd run with you!! Granted, I don't run - I'm more of a 'old lady jogger' but hey, I'm hoping to 'old lady jog' a 10K in a little over a month. Honestly, it will probably take me 2 hours but I'm doing it anyway. And NO, I don't like to run either. In fact, sometimes when I run I say to myself "if you want to eat anything besides lettuce today, you have to just suck it up here and finish Jody"
Way to go on the Ragnar! Hilly was thinking of doing it too. That is a big accomplishment! I'm excited to hear about it!
Do you ever run with your BOB? I've tried but it messes with my
Um. Excuse. I was sure you knew this, but our people were not built to do such things.....Im a little shocked that you would even try. HAHA. Keep it up Emmy. You can do anything you put your mind to. It will be warm before you know it and outside running will be much better!!!
Aaahhh running... I second all you said and strangely enough I am jealous that your are running the the Ragnar. Maybe in the future (if you survive the first one) we will run together! Have fun training! Call if you have any Q's.
Lovin the boyz update! What it would be like to actually see them in person! Why the HELL did you move to I.F.!!! Seriously Em!
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