Friday, January 9, 2009


Ok this is really important ya'll. Lately I've been thinking about how silly it was to put an "e" on the end of Clarke. It really bugs me when people name their kid something weird or spell it some crazy way, and then I went and did it myself. So, I have his Social Security card, his birth certificate, and everything else except his blessing certificate. Do I change it? I'm seriously considering it because almost everyone, including family, has spelled it Clark. And I'm fine with that, because that was my original intention, the "e" was a last minute change while I was sitting in the hospital, filling out the birth certificate form and had crazy hormones surging through my body. So if you're reading this, I better get a comment, because I need some help deciding what to do.
On another note, I am always trying sneaky ways to get Brenner to eat more nutritious things. It kills me to give him spaghetti-o's or mac-and-cheese, but sometimes you just need a quick lunch. Today was victorious! I cooked carrots while I was making the Kraft macaroni and I pureed them and put them in with the cheesey goodness. Although it looked a little different, he snarfed it right down! Wahoo! I tried it and it's pretty darn good.
This morning we sat in bed and snuggled and played with our little boys and it should have been filmed and put in a movie. Seriously, it was so cute and stinking adorable. Brenner was holding Clark(e) and the baby was cooing and smiling at him and it was about as precious as a bucket full of puppies.
That's all, get back to me.


The Ballou's said...

I really like Clarke, but then again the correct way to spell Sloan is Slonae and I didn't put the "E" her. Either way is is stinking cute and so is his name.

Cam Ballou said...

If you have everything there and it isn't a big deal - change it because you are stressing about it and you will think always think about it everytime someone spells his name wrong! Good job on the pureed carrots BTW. I bought the Deceptively Delicious cookbook last year - there are some good recipes but my kids never fell for it!

ScottNLili said...

I say drop the E. Its origional, but he's gonna be Clark-e all his life with that pesky e on the end. Im gonna call him clark-e either way tho.
And..the nutritious food battle is an ongoing one. A good way to get him to eat veggies is to sneak them into meals like u did with the macnchz. I watch jon and kate plus 8, and she does that with lots of her meals. She'll do that with meatloaf, and hamburgers, anything that can be mushed up and put into the meal, she goes for it.

holly said...

wonder what my suggestion is....... well let me think! CLARK hello in honor of his most wonderful (and rarely seen) relative!

Clark is more solid, clark -e not so much, you know what to do!

The Reimers Family said...

Clark is definitely easier on everyone else, but Clarke is nice too, it's different. What do you want different or convenient?

Nicole said...

Clark without an E is our vote. We love your description on your blog about the bucket full of puppies. Your boys are cuteheads and we miss them!

Stephanie H. said...

Well I think everyone his whole life will spell it Clark. So you might want to change it to save yourself and Clarke a life full of correcting people. (However, I'm not against Clarke. I'm just thinking convenience.)

Unknown said...

That's funny! Really! I would just leave it thouhg. Every one will get used to it. Do you relize what it would take to change it? But hey, if THAT dowsn't bother you then I say go for it!
There's a cook book out by Jessica Seinfeld. (Jerry's wife) You'd love it! She hads perfected the art of fooling kids into eating good stuff. All of her recipes have all kinds of veggies in them. You'll have to look it up. My sister had it and she said that the only thing her son wouldn't eat was the chicken nuggets, but she wouldn't even eat them.

Whitney said...

I like the E! Keep it!