Friday, February 22, 2008

Model B.

During Christmas time I stumbled on a really unique t-shirt company called Threadless that I really enjoy. This is the way it works: artists design and submit their artwork to become a t-shirt, then Threadless makes the design available in any t-shirt size, long-sleeved or hoody, and sometimes in kids sizes and onesies. After you buy a shirt, you take a picture of yourself wearing it and submit the pic to the company. They review it and pick which one they like the best and then they display it for the shirt's advertisement! So basically anyone can be a supermodel and I think that's great. (And if they pick yours you get points that go towards merchandise-sweet!)

So anyway for Christmas I bought some of my family these shirts, and today I finally got around to taking some pictures of B in his, and submitted one. Here are some of my favorites:

As I'm sure you can imagine, he wasn't too thrilled about his glamour shots but cooperated pretty well once I gave him some granola bar. The middle picture is the one I submitted. I liked the one of him biting the shirt but it didn't fit in their window well enough.
This is a really fun site, I highly recommend it to anyone, if not to buy, then to just check it out and have a good laugh, because there are some really funny and creative designs. So take a peek:

1 comment:

Kari said...

These pictures are way cute! I've seen Threadless before, but I didn't know you can submit your own photos. Brenner is stinkin' adorable!